
Site Plan Review (SPR) and the approval process is generally for new residential development involving four or more dwelling units and one- and two-family dwelling development on very large lots, new commercial buildings and additions, or parking lot reconstructions that involve more than a partial mill and overlay. Regulations regarding Site Plan Review are found in Section 61.400 of the Zoning Code.

A site plan must be submitted to and approved by the planning commission before a permit is issued for grading or the erection or enlargement of any building except for development of three or fewer dwelling units and including the list of development types specified in Zoning Code Sec. 61.402(b) . Most projects are delegated to City staff for review and approval, but staff may recommend that the project be reviewed by the Planning Commission.


Once a design team is ready to apply, staff is available for one pre-application meeting with the design team. Expect to discuss the requirements for submitting a complete application. Staff are not able to review and give feedback prior to application.

All Site Plans are reviewed electronically using Electronic Plan Review. If you are ready to apply, please complete the Site Plan Review Application and Submittal Requirements and send the completed Submittal Requirement document to SitePlanReview@ci.stpaul.mn.us.

When the application is received, a SPR meeting is set where City and other agency staff meet with the customer to discuss and provide written feedback on required revisions and important notes. After a customer submits a site plan that addresses the decisions and requirements, and receives approval, they may obtain the necessary building permits to do the work.

For more detailed Site Plan Review process information, please review the below resources.

Resources for business owners and developers

Site Plan Electronic Review Step-by-step Process

  1. Create a basic site plan of your project and reach out to Site Plan Review Coordinators at SitePlanReview@ci.stpaul.mn.us, if you have questions about completing your application or preparing application materials before applying.
  2. Complete the application form and submission checklist and email both to: SitePlanReview@ci.stpaul.mn.us
  3. Once staff enters your application into the system, you will receive two emails:
    1. Email 1: Notification of payment options. Online payments may be made using Saint Paul’s Online portal, Pay My Bill.
    2. Email 2: An Electronic Plan Review login link, which will enable you to upload plan sets. First-time users will also get a third email with a temporary login password and instructions to set up an Electronic Plan Review account.
  4. Customers can learn how to use the Electronic Plan Review platform here. Please note that any file incorrectly uploaded or applications that are found to be missing documents will be returned within 15 days, resulting in a delay of your project.
  5. Within a week of uploading all necessary documents, you will be contacted through Electronic Plan Review with a date and time for your review meeting with the SPR Committee. The SPR Committee is comprised of City staff from several departments plus outside partners and subject matter experts. [Note: SPR meetings are held virtually via the Internet (Skype or MS Teams). You can log in by computer, a phone app, or you may dial in to the meeting].
  6. Within three to four weeks after the meeting, staff will send you and your project team a “Conditional Approval” letter summarizing any revisions requested for a final Site Plan Review Approval to be granted.
  7. You can upload site plan revisions, which meet the SPR Committee’s requirements, through your Electronic Plan Review account. You will be notified by email if your revised site plans do not meet the requested requirements. Once no corrections are needed, plans will be stamped as approved and available to download and a final approval letter will be issued and emailed to you.

Site Plan Review agendas

Site Plan Review agendas are posted below.

Last Edited: March 21, 2025