Parks and Recreation Play Area Improvement Projects
See below for current and completed Saint Paul Parks and Recreation play area improvement projects.
Current Play Area Projects
Project Overview
The South Saint Anthony Park Play Area will be renovated in 2025. Proposed work will focus on the replacement of the existing play equipment and surfacing, and will likely include improvements to the adjacent pavements, seating, and related site amenities. The most recent improvements to this play area were completed in 1994.
This project is funded by the Common Cent 1% Sales Tax. Read more about the Parks and Recreation 1% Sales Tax Projects.
Project Updates
October 1, 2024:
Please note that the existing tennis court at South Saint Anthony Park will be repaired and restriped for tennis and pickleball between Monday October 7th and Thursday October 10th. The tennis court will be closed during this time. For more information on this project and other court restoration projects in Saint Paul, check out the project webpage:
September 2024: Community Engagement Event
See below for the boards that were presented at the Ice Cream Social Event on September 14th.
July 2024: Concept Options & Survey #2
See below for the concept options we presented at the July 13th, 2024 Pop-Up Community Engagement Event!
Or, click on the link below to see the concept options we presented at the July 13th, 2024 Pop-Up Community Engagement Event!
Please take the South St. Anthony Park Play Area - Survey #2 to share a bit about your desired play features and priorities for the Play Area.
This survey will close on Friday, July 26th at 5 PM.
July 13th, 2024 - Pop-Up Community Engagement Event
Do you or your family like to play at the South St. Anthony Park Play Area? Would you like to participate in the redesign of this exciting project?
Please join the City of Saint Paul Parks & Recreation Department’s Design and Construction Team for a Pop-Up Event in South St. Anthony Park!
Who: You and anyone you know who uses the South St. Anthony Park Play Area
What: Pop-Up Community Engagement Event
Where: South St. Anthony Park (890 Cromwell Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55114)
In the play area, near the northern-most corner of park, near the Intersection of Cromwell Avenue and Bayless Place
When: Saturday, July 13th from 9:30 AM – 11 AM
Why: For the design team to hear your thoughts on different concepts and play features for the 2025 Play Area Reconstruction in the South St. Anthony Park Play Area. Stop by to say “Hi,” grab some treats, and get excited about the changes to come!If you are unable to stop by to chat with us at this time and date, please come back to visit the project’s website for a link to Survey #2 or email us at to let us know if you would like to stay involved.
June 13th, 2024: Community Meeting
All are welcome and encouraged to attend the St. Anthony Park Community Council Board Meeting on Thursday, June 13th at 7 PM. The Parks & Recreation Department's Design and Construction project team for the South St. Anthony Park Play Area will present an analysis of the existing conditions, the results of Survey #1, three schematic play area design options, play area precedent images, and they will also be collecting feedback on all that they present.
This hybrid event will take place in person at 2172 University Avenue West in Saint Paul, MN. To attend the meeting online, please email for the Zoom link.
See the presentation document, which includes an overview of the project analysis, survey results, and includes the preliminary concept designs for the play area, by clicking the link below:
May 2024: Survey #1
Please take the South St. Anthony Park Play Area Survey to tell the project team what you would like to have included in the playground reconstruction.
This survey closed on Friday, June 7th at 5 PM.
April 20th, 2024: Earth Day Clean-Up Event
The design team attended the Earth Day Cleanup with Saint Anthony Park Community Council members. We dispersed links to Survey #1 as well as spread the word about the upcoming project happenings and how to stay involved in and informed about the project.
March 2024: Project Start
We are beginning the process of replacing the play area at the South Saint Anthony Park Play Area. The first step in this process is to collect site information about the existing play area, gather feedback from park users, and prepare an analysis of the existing play area. We will then be able to develop ideas and plans for a new play area. During this process we will be working with the community to obtain feedback about those ideas and plans. Once refined, we will develop construction documents and start the construction of the new play area.
Our preliminary schedule for this project is as follows:Schedule
Spring 2024 Project Start, Schematic Design & Community Engagement Summer 2024 Design Development & Community Engagement Fall 2024 Construction Documents & Bidding Spring 2025 Permitting & Bidding Summer 2025 Construction Fall 2025 Target Opening Date Contact
Project Manager
Meredith Ver Steeg
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: (651) 266-6695Project Address
890 Cromwell Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55114Project Funding
Parks and Recreation 1% Sales Tax -
Project Overview
A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has been awarded to the City of Saint Paul for improvements to the Duluth and Case Recreation Center Play Area. Proposed work includes removal and replacement of existing play equipment and surfacing. Other enhancements may include new walks, site furnishings, signage, and landscaping as funding allows.
Project Updates
September 19, 2024
Construction will be starting on Monday, Sept. 23! Temporary construction fencing will be placed around the play area to secure the site and avoid injuries or vandalism. The map below shows the fencing location, and pedestrian access through construction. Check back soon for more construction updates!
September 17, 2024
Construction will be starting in the coming weeks! Once construction begins, a schedule will be posted here. The new play area is still anticipated to be complete this year. Stay tuned for more information!
June 2024
Construction on the new play area is anticipated to begin in late July, 2024. Check back here in the coming weeks for more details!
November 29, 2023
A construction contract has been awarded and construction will begin Spring 2024! More details about construction start and duration will be available here next year. The image below shows the final Site Layout for the new play area:
August 22, 2023
Staff shared an update with the Payne-Phalen Community Council at their August meeting. The slides that were presented are linked below:
PPCC_Duluth and Case Play Area.pdf (23.24 MB)May 5, 2023
The design team attended Rec Check at Duluth and Case Recreation Center on April 18th to share play equipment ideas with kids, and ask for their feedback. Two play equipment concepts were shared. We heard lots of great feedback from students ranging in age from kindergarten to 5th grade! The feedback is summarized in a document below.
April 5, 2022
Thank you for your participation in the surveys! The feedback collected is summarized in this document:
We will be meeting with kids at the Duluth and Case Rec Center during Rec Check on April 18 where we will be sharing play equipment concepts and hearing feedback. Check back soon for play equipment concepts and project updates!
December 28, 2022
The design team has been developing site concepts for the new play area, these concepts are available for review and feedback.
Concept A (6.81 MB)
Concept B (6.82 MB)
Please take the survey below to share your feedback about the concepts, and any other thoughts you have about the play area.
The survey is now closed
December 12 2022
An online survey is now available to gather feedback about the existing play area at Duluth and Case. This information will help develop ideas for the play area improvements at the recreation center. You can access the survey at this link:
The survey is now closed
Preliminary Project Schedule
Nov 2022 – Dec 2022 Project Start, Schematic Design, and Community Engagement Jan 2023 – Feb 2023 Design Development and Community Engagement Mar 2023 – Aug 2023 Construction Documents Aug 2023 - Sept 2023 Bidding Spring 2024 Construction Summer 2024 Target Opening Date Contact Us
Project Manager
Katie Hamerlinck
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: (651) 266-6414Park Address
1020 Duluth St -
Harriet Island Regional Park Play Area Project Overview
Harriet Island Regional Park is a 62.96 acre regional park located across from downtown Saint Paul along the Mississippi River. City of Saint Paul, Parks and Recreation Department has secured funding from the state Legacy Grant to replace the Harriet Island play area. This will include a community engagement process to inform play area design, prepare play area concepts, final design, cost estimate, and construction documents.
Location: 200 Dr Justus Ohage Blvd, Saint Paul, MN
Ward 2: Councilmember Rebecca Noecker
District 3: West Side Community OrganizationTentative Timeline
February 2022 - May 2023: Community Engagement & Design Concepts
May - August 2023: Construction Documents
Winter 2024: Bidding & Award
Late Summer 2024 - Spring 2025: ConstructionCommunity Engagement
Thank you to all those who have provided feedback throughout the community engagement process! Project staff have received valuable input over the last year from residents through the West Side Community Organization, on-site events at the park, and the play area survey. View the online survey results and Community Feedback Summary below:
Online Survey Feedback Summary
April WSCO West Side Voices Feedback Summary
Project Updates
June, 2024:
After a successful bidding process, the City will be moving forward with construction of the new play area! Construction is anticipated to begin towards the end of the summer in 2024 and wrap up in the spring of 2025.
May 10, 2023:
WSCO West Side Voices Forum meeting
April 12, 2022:
WSCO West Side Voices Forum meeting
April WSCO West Side Voices Feedback Summary.pdf (127.59 KB)April 24, 2021:
Join Parks and Recreation at the Harriet Island Citywide Cleanup from 9:00 - 10:00am! This is an opportunity to ask Park and Rec staff about the play area process and to provide feedback.
Project Manager
Mary Norton
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: (651) 266-6407Park Address
200 Dr Justus Ohage BlvdProject Funding
Legacy Parks and Trails Fund
Click here for more information -
Project Overview
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is beginning community engagement and conceptual design for site improvements at Linwood Recreation Center. Improvements will include:
- New play area container, equipment, and surfacing
- Accessibility upgrades throughout the site
- Exploration of new recreation features potentially including pickleball courts, a multi-use field, and an amphitheater
- Tree planting, landscape restoration
- Additional site furnishings including seating areas and shade
The project schedule and timeline is still being determined. Check back soon for project updates and ways to engage!
Project Updates
March 18, 2025
The Summit Hill Association will be hosting a 'Reimagine Linwood Update Meeting' on Wednesday, April 9th from 6:30 - 7:30pm in the Linwood Recreation Center Gym (860 St. Clair Ave). Project staff will give a short presentation to share project updates including play equipment concepts, as well as the project schedule. Please visit the Summit Hill Association website for more information about the event: to see you there!
October 2024
Parks and Rec staff gathered feedback on the final site concept for the Linwood Site Improvements project at a number of events through the fall of 2024 including a community meeting hosted by the Summit Hill Association on August 15th, at a Family Bonfire event at Linwood Rec Center hosted by Saint Paul Parks and Rec on October 1st, and via an online survey, open from August 16th – September 13th. A summary of the feedback received can be found in the document linked below.
August 16, 2024Project staff attended a community meeting hosted by the Summit Hill Association at Linwood Recreation Center on August 15th, 2024 to share a summary of the feedback received about the site concepts so far, and to share a refined concept for the Linwood site. The presentation can be viewed below:
Please share your feedback about the concept using the link below:
This survey is now closed.
August 8, 2024
The Summit Hill Association will be hosting a 'Reimagine Linwood Community Meeting' on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 6:30pm. Project staff from Parks and Rec will present a refined site concept based on community feedback from the May meeting as well as the online survey. Please visit the Summit Hill Association website for more information about the event:
May 2024
Project staff attended a community meeting hosted by the Summit Hill Association at Linwood Recreation Center on May 30th, 2024 to share initial concepts and gather feedback about the Linwood play area and overall site. The presentation can be viewed below:
A survey was available from June 3 - June 24. Thanks for your feedback! A summary of the comments received can be found in the document below.
ContactProject Manager
Katie Hamerlinck
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: (651) 266-6414 -
Project Overview
A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has been awarded to the City of Saint Paul for improvements to the Prospect Park Play Area. Proposed work includes removal and replacement of existing play equipment and surfacing. Other potential improvements include new sidewalks and curbs, site furnishings, signage, and landscaping as funding allows.
Project Updates
March 25, 2025
Staff will be at Prospect Park for a pop-up engagement event on Thursday, April 3rd from 11:00am – 1:00pm to share project updates including the proposed site plan, and two options for the new play equipment. Stop by to learn more and share your ideas! Please note this event is weather dependent. If the event will be cancelled or postponed, an update will be shared here on the project website.
March 18, 2025
Project staff will be attending WSCO's Land Use meeting on Wednesday, March 26th at 6pm at 209 W Page St. W. (West Side Community Organization Office). Staff will share project updates including play equipment concepts and the project schedule. Please visit WSCO's website for more information about this meeting: 10, 2025
A survey was available October through November 2024. Thanks for your feedback! A summary of the comments received can be found in the document below.
Prospect Park - Feedback Summary Survey #1 (52.27 KB)
December 2, 2024Staff attended WSCO's Land Use meeting on November 20th to share information about the project, and share community feedback that has been received to date. A link to the presentation that was shared at this meeting can be found below.
November WSCO Land-Use Meeting Slides (4.52 MB)
November 14, 2024Staff hosted a pop-up event at Prospect Park on November 6th to share information about the project, and hear from community members and park visitors about what improvements they'd like to see. Themes of what we heard include:
- Safety - fix park lights, remove hazardous play features and provide new, age appropriate equipment
- Protect mature trees and maintain the grass lawn
- Maintain natural planting areas, look for other opportunities for native plants, edible garden, butterfly garden, etc.
- Interest in nature-inspired and sculptural equipment themes
- Desire for more toddler play equipment and more equipment that serves a larger variety of ages
- More shaded seating areas for caregivers
November 5, 2024
Staff attended WSCO's Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 3rd to share information about the project, and ask about preferences for the new play equipment. Boards from this event are below:
October 15, 2024
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) completed their review of the proposed project at Prospect Park and found that no historic properties will be affected by the project. Parks and Recreation staff will be moving into community engagement and site analysis. To give feedback and share your ideas, please take the survey below. More information on future opportunities for engagement will be posted soon!
June 2024
Due to the site’s proximity to potential historic sites, an archaeologic and architectural history survey are in progress to ensure the proposed improvements will not disturb any historic sites or artifacts. Crews have been on-site this spring to survey the park. The archaeologic and architectural analysis process will be complete later this summer. After this, staff will provide an update on opportunities to engage and share feedback about the new play area.
Check back soon for project updates, a tentative schedule, and ways to engage with the project!
For updates on the Groveland Recreation Center play area, visit the Groveland Recreation Center Projects page.
For updates on the Merriam Park Recreation Center play area improvements, visit the Merriam Park Recreation Center Projects page.
Completed Play Area Projects
A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has been awarded to the City of Saint Paul for improvements to the Dayton's Bluff Recreation Center Play Area. Proposed work includes removal and replacement of existing play equipment and surfacing. Other enhancements may include new walks, site furnishings, signage, and landscaping as funding allows.
Project Updates
September 2022
Join us from 5-6:30pm on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at Dayton's Bluff Recreation Center for a grand opening celebration!
July 12, 2022
Construction is about to begin! This week, fencing will be installed around the construction site, followed by demolition of the existing equipment and concrete walks. Construction will continue for the next several weeks. A more detailed schedule will be available in the next week.
May 31, 2022
We have received bids for construction and are in the process of awarding a contract for construction of the improvements. As soon as a contract is awarded and a schedule identified, we'll provide more details for the construction process.
April 21, 2022
Construction documents have been prepared and advertised for bids. Bids will be opened May 18th if no delays are encountered. We anticipate reviewing and awarding a contract immediately so construction can begin when school has ended for the year.
March 11, 2022
Thank you for your participation in the survey. The survey is now closed and the data collected as been summarized in this file: Survey summary
We will be attending the Dayton's Bluff Community Council meeting on Monday March 21st at 6:30 p.m. to summarize our findings, present a final concept site plan, and equipment layout.
February 18, 2022
Over the past month, we have prepared site concepts and equipment options for the new play area. Two site concept plans can be reviewed here: Site Concepts Equipment options can be reviewed here: Equipment options
When you have had a chance to review these options, please feel free to use the comment form to share your feedback about the options. The survey can be accessed here:
The survey is now closed
January 12, 2022
Thank you for your participation in the survey. The survey is now closed and the data collected has been summarized in this file: Survey summary
Staff are currently using the feedback collected from the survey to develop schematic designs for the play area. In the next few weeks, staff will reach out to users once again for feedback on the plans.
December 9, 2021
A short survey has been published to gather information about the existing play area at Dayton's Bluff. This information will help us develop a new plan for playground improvements at the recreation center. You can access the survey at this link:
The survey is now closed.
We will keep the survey open until December 27th, at which time we'll analyze the results to incorporate into the next phase of the design process.
November 22, 2021
We are beginning the process of replacing the play area at Dayton's Bluff. The first step in this process is to collect site information about the existing play area, gather feedback from park users, and prepare an analysis of the existing play area. We will then be able to develop ideas and plans for a new play area. During this process we'll be working with the community to get feedback about those ideas and plans. Eventually, we'll develop construction documents and start construction of the new play area. The schedule below roughly outlines the timeline for the replacement of the play area.
Our preliminary schedule for this project is as follows:
Nov 2021- Dec 2021
Project Start, Schematic Design & Community Engagement
Jan 2022- Feb 2022
Design Development & Community Engagement
March 2022- April 2022
Preparation of Construction Documents
June 2022 - Aug 2022
Sept 2022
Target Opening Date
Throughout the entire project, we'll keep this page updated with information about the project so check back often for updates and opportunities to provide feedback about the project.
Contact Us
Project Manager
Bryan Murphy
Saint Paul Parks & Recreation
Ph: 651-266-6411 -
Project Overview
Hamline Play Area will be renovated in 2021. Proposed work will focus on removal and replacement of existing play equipment and surfacing. Other enhancements may include new walks, site furnishings, signage, and landscaping. The most recent improvements to the play area were 29 years ago, in 1992. Located alongside Snelling Avenue, Hamline Park contains a variety of amenities for visitors to use across four sections divided by trails. The northern section features a spacious playground, the eastern quarter features a recently-renovated futsal court, to the south is a basketball court as well as bike racks and additional fitness equipment, and adjacent to Snelling Avenue is open green space.
This project is funded by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
Project Updates
Construction, except for a few remaining touch-ups, is substantially complete as of early September 2021. We look forward to celebrating the park's reopening soon!
Construction began Monday June 28th, 2021. The previous playground equipment was removed.
The playground will be closed for two months (or longer, depending on weather) while new play equipment, pathways, and safety surfacing is installed. The basketball court, fitness area, and futsal/mini-pitch court will remain open. Please visit Hamline Elementary School/Hancock Recreation Center for a nearby playground, or view the construction notice poster (pdf) to help you find other parks nearby.
October 2020 - Virtual Community Meeting presentation (pdf)
Hamline Play Area-Playground Options.pdf (9.25 MB)
September 2020 - Virtual Community Meeting presentation (pdf)
Hamline Park-2021 Project Overview.pdf (6.89 MB)
View plans that illustrate project scope and site inventory (2mb pdf)
Hamline Play Area - SITE ANALYSIS-web.pdf (2.12 MB)
Community Engagement
The City held two virtual Open Houses, March 1st and 2nd 2021, to share information about the project.
- View the meeting presentation (11mb PDF)
- Minutes (pdf)
- Scroll down for meeting video
A survey was shared in late 2020 for Hamline Park's play equipment and on the park as a whole. Summary of feedback received: Hamline Park 2021 Survey Summary pdf.
A previous community survey was open to the public through August 2020. The Friends of Hamline Park and Hamline Midway Coalition organized this survey, and reached out to area summer camps, Recreation Centers, libraries, and nearby apartment buildings. Results will be shared by Hamline Midway Coalition.
Background Information
The Hamline Recreation Center building on the northwest corner of Snelling and Lafond Ave is a historic building (eligible but not registered) and will not be impacted by this project.
Open House Video
The City held two virtual Open Houses on March 1 and 2 2021 to share information about forthcoming improvements to Hamline Park . Construction will focus on the playground and surrounding paths. Watch this video to learn about the process and see images of the new play equipment.
Contact Us
Project Manager
Liz Hixson
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: 651-266-6427Park Address
1564 Lafond Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55104 -
Sylvan Park is a 3.18 acre neighborhood park in the City of Saint Paul in the North End district. Amenities at the park include an athletic field, play area, and restroom building.
The athletic field is unprogrammed and is currently used to play soccer, football, baseball, softball, rugby, Frisbee, and lacrosse. This heavy, overlapping use combined with poor drainage, exposed manholes, and compacted soils, have all contributed to the inadequate field conditions currently experienced at the park. The Play Area was installed in 1994. The tot lot replacement list ranks this park in the top 9 for replacement due to various factors including age, safety, accessibility, and condition of the play area.
This project will include a multi-use synthetic turf fields that are designed to meet today's recreational needs. Improvements to the play area include replacement of equipment and surfacing for compliance to current CPSC and ADA Guidelines. Additional site improvements may include walks benches and landscaping as necessary.
Total construction budget for Sylvan Park improvements is $1,500,000.00.
Project Updates
11/25/19: A grand opening/ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the new field. Thank you to all who attended the event and participated in the design process!
06/18/19: After a 6 month surcharge period to stabilize the underlying soils, construction on the artificial turf field will resume. During the construction period we expect the contractor to be operating heavy machinery, staging construction materials, and large trucks frequently entering and exiting the site. For safety purposes, the play area will remain closed until the project is completed.
Thank you for your understanding and patience throughout the process.
08/03/2018: During the construction a layer of suspected contaminated soils was discovered while excavating for the athletic field on the west side of the park. Upon this discovery we dug a series of test pits and sent samples from these pits to a lab for analysis. Test results from the samples taken confirmed that contaminants were present.
Due to this unfortunate event, the athletic field portion of the project will be put on hold while the City works with the MPCA to ensure the proper procedures are in place to continue construction.
However, because the contaminated soils appear to be limited to the west end of the park, play area construction on the east side will resume.
We still anticipate the play area to be completed this fall, however, the completion of the athletic fields are expected to be delayed until summer 2019.
We will continue to keep you informed as we gather more information on the next steps.
06/01/2018: Sylvan Park to be under construction from June 2018 until the end of September 2018. Due to the extent of the work, the park and restroom building will be closed and temporary fencing will surround the construction zone until construction is completed. More information to be posted when available.
02/15/2018: Sylvan Park Play Area and Field Improvements project is in the Site Plan Review process. Public art meeting is currently on hold. The date, time, and location will be updated once it is determined.
Meeting 1: Community Meeting Kick-Off, September 14, 2017, Rice Recreation Center, 1021 Marion St. - from 6:30-8:00 PM
Meeting 2: Community Meeting #2, October 19, 2017, Rice Recreation Center, 1021 Marion St. - from 6:30-8:00 PM
Meeting 3: Community Meeting #3, November 16, 2017, Rice Recreation Center, 1021 Marion St. - from 6:30-8:00 PM
Meeting 4: Public Art Meeting, TBD
Contact Us
Project Manager
David Ronzani
Saint Paul Parks & Recreation
(651) 266-6410Park Address
1185 Sylvan Ave -
Replacement of existing play area with an exciting playful environment reflective of the artistic character of the park and the culturally diverse surrounding communities. Improvements include the installation of distinctive features that are accessible and safe for children and adults to interact with in a playful setting. Other site improvements including walks and landscaping will be provided as part of the playscape design.
Public Art Saint Paul put together a team of artists (Aaron Dysart, Sieng Lee and Bianca Pettis) who have been assigned for the design and fabrication of the play features. As part of the design phase, a series of community creative workshops will be conducted by artists and landscape architects to obtain ideas and guidance from kids and parents for the conception and development of their place to play at Western Sculpture Park.
Community Workshops
Saturday, June 1, 2019, 2pm-4pm Pop Up Meeting Come celebrate International Children's Day and exchange ideas for the new playground at Western Sculpture Park. Free and all are welcome.
January 23, 2019 Open Community Workshop hosted by Artists: Aaron Dysart, Sieng Lee, Bianca Pettis. At Rondo Community Library. Drop in any time between 4 to 6pm. OpenWorkshop2_ Flyer3.pdf
November 29 - Open Workshop at Rondo Community Library - 3:30 to 5:30 pm
Project Updates
The project will be out for bidding in March 2020. Construction anticipated Summer 2020. (May-July).
Westerns Sculpture Park Play Area Improvements project was selected to receive a Grant of $26,000 for the implementation of the Connecting Communities Though Outdoor Play project. The grant agreement was made between National Recreation and Park Association and the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. Made possible through the support of the Target Corporation, NRPA is managing the administration of the Connecting Communities Through Outdoor Play grant program (Program). Grants made through this Program are intended to provide increased access to play and physical activity for kids and families through built environment enhancements.
Project Manager
David Ronzani
Saint Paul Parks & Recreation
(651) 266-6410Park Address
1185 Sylvan Ave -
Project Overview
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is partnering with KABOOM! and the Saint Paul Parks Conservancy to build a new outdoor play area at Dunning Park. Learn more about the partnership in this news release.
Project Updates
October 11-13, 2023
We partnered with KABOOM!, the Saint Paul Parks Conservancy, Sierra, United Healthcare and many community volunteers to build the new playground on October 11-13, 2023. The new Dunning Park play area is now open.
August 23, 2023
The play area will be closed for construction starting September 7, 2023. The trail on the east side of the park will also be closed during this time. The design survey is now closed.
August 3, 2023
A play area Design Day for youth and adults was held on August 3 at Dunning Park.
Project Overview
A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has been awarded to the City of Saint Paul for improvements to the Hazel Park Play Area. Proposed work includes removal and replacement of existing play equipment and surfacing. Other enhancements may include new walks, site furnishings, signage, and landscaping as funding allows.
More project information coming soon.
Project Updates
June 25, 2024
The play area is open!
May 5, 2024
The play area is near completion. A Ribbon Cutting for the play area will be held during the Family Picnic & Water Games event on June 25 from 6:00 - 7:30pm.
April 11, 2024
Construction is anticipated to begin on the new play area starting the week of April 15. Construction fencing will be installed around the play area and will remain in place through construction. Construction updates and closures will be posted and a more detailed schedule will be available soon!
November 29, 2023
We have received bids for construction and are in the process of awarding a contract for construction of the play area. Construction is anticipated to begin Spring 2024. More details will be available soon.
Preliminary Project Schedule
December, 2022 - February, 2023 Project Start, Schematic Design & Community Engagement February, 2023 - September, 2023 Design Development & Community Engagement September 2023- November, 2023 Construction Documents May 2024 -July 2024 Construction Completion Date (TENTATIVE) July, 2024 Target Opening Date (TENTATIVE) Check back soon for more project updates!