
Property Owner Information

Property owners are required to maintain and repair their residential, commercial or other building sewers that extend from the building wall of the property being served up to and including the connection to the public sewer or outlet. The City has a Sewer Assessment Program that offers low interest loans to property owners faced with expensive sewer repairs.

Property Owner Information


The Sewer Utility hires Contractor(s) to rehabilitate deteriorated city owned sewers by installing sewer liners.  Rather than digging up the street to install a new sewer pipe, the old or defective pipe is repaired by installing a pipe liner inside it.  The installed sewer liner creates a new long-lasting pipe within the old sewer. Learn more about the process and where we are working.


Cleaning and Televising

Cleaning and Televising of sewer mains happen each year between April and December. Find more information about the program and to see where we are working here.

Cleaning and Televising

Last Edited: May 24, 2024