The Storm Sewer System Charge (SSSC) is an annual service charge that pays for the operation and maintenance of the City’s storm sewer system. It also funds programs to improve the quality of storm water runoff as required by the City’s federal storm water permit and local watershed districts.

The City of Saint Paul has established the policy in accordance with Admin. Code Chap. 81: Storm Sewer System Charge.

These documents are PDFs. If you need assistance reading or accessing these documents please call (651) 266-6234.

2024 Storm Sewer System Charge sample invoice

2024 Policy for Determination and Review of Storm Sewer System Charge

2024 Storm Sewer System Charge Rates

Each year in the fall, during a public hearing that property owners are welcome to attend, the City Council approves the sewer rates for various types of properties. The property types and approved rates for 2024 are:

Use ClassProperty TypeRate 
ACemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant land, and one- and two-family residential land in excess of 1/3 acre$200.23per acre
BRailroad right of way$400.46per acre
CResidential, one- and two-family homes (less than 1/3 acre)$119.71per parcel
DCondominiums and town houses$80.52per unit
EPublic and private schools and community centers$1,099.05per acre
FMultiple dwellings, religious buildings, government buildings$1,466.85per acre
GCommercial and industrial properties, parking lots$1,976.10per acre

The amount charged to a specific property is either a fixed amount or is calculated by multiplying the rate-per-acre by the property acreage.

Green Infrastructure Stormwater Districts pay an additional surcharge that is utilized to operate the public storm sewer system specific to that district.

Last Edited: July 12, 2024