2025 Metropolitan Council Sewer Service Lateral Repair or Replacement and Foundation Drain Disconnection Grant

The 2025 private property inflow and infiltration (I/I) grant offers property owners financial assistance in repairing or replacing their sewer service laterals or disconnecting their foundation drains. Use of the grant money is available on first-come, first-served basis, and after the grant money runs out, no more funding will be available. The amount a property can receive from the grant program is based on the location of the property in the City of Saint Paul.

Depiction of private sewer line connecting to city sewer main

Grant Amount based on Property Location

Properties that fall within the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) Qualified Census Tracts zones qualify for 90% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant amount of $10,000 for the repair or replacement of sewer service laterals or the disconnection of foundation drains.

Properties that fall outside of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) Qualified Census Tracts qualify for 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant amount of $5,000 for the repair or replacement of sewer service laterals or disconnection of foundation drains.

To determine whether your property lies within or outside the LIHTC Qualified Census Tracts zones, please use the Qualified Census Tracts zones interactive map.

Sewer Repairs Eligible for Grant Funding

  • Private lateral repair and/or replacement.
  • Foundation drain disconnections and new sump pump, if associated with the foundation drain disconnect.
  • Lateral televising and cleaning costs if:
    • Applicant meets the equity criteria, OR
    • Televising and cleaning that results in repair or replacement of sewer lateral.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Property must be a residential property in the City of Saint Paul.
  • Property outside the low-income zone must be owner occupied. Rental property within the low-income zone qualifies for 50% of eligible costs if the monthly rent of the rental property is no more than $1,500.
  • Property owner cannot be a City of Saint Paul employee.
  • Work must be done by a City of Saint Paul licensed house sewer contractor. At least three bids are required from the approved contractors list for the assessment program. For repair work on a private sandrock sewer service, the city may approve the use of a contractor who is not on the list.
  • The amount not covered by this MCES grant must be paid by the property owner to the contractor. Property owners may request to have the amount not covered be assessed to their property taxes.  Please call 651-266-6234 for more information about the City of Saint Paul Sewer Assessment Program.

How to Apply for the Sewer Grant

  1. Contact the city sewer customer service at 651-266-6234 or PW-SewerCounter@ci.stpaul.mn.us to determine if funds are still available and find out what funding your property is eligible for.
  2. Get 3 bids from the approved contractors list for the assessment program.
  3. Provide the 3 bids and required information to city sewer staff.
  4. City confirms receipt of the 3 bids and notifies the property owner of the specific grant amount awarded. Note that the grant money is available on first-come, first-served basis, and after the grant money runs out, no more funding will be available.
  5. Contractor selected by property owner completes the work.
  6. Property owner submits final bill and required paperwork to city sewer staff.
  7. Property owner pays any portion of the final bill to the contractor not covered by the grant.
  8. City will pay contractor for the eligible costs covered by the grant.

Last Edited: February 12, 2025