Recycling Hauler Changes for Multi-unit Properties

As of November 1, 2024, 5+ unit properties in Saint Paul have a new hauler, FCC Environmental Services (FCC). At this time, there is no action required by property owners. However, if you are not currently receiving recycling services, contact us to set them up.

There are no changes in recycling or garbage services for 1-4-unit properties.

The City contracts with private haulers to provide recycling services to all residential properties. The cost of this service is assessed to the property owner’s Ramsey County Property Taxes. If you own or manage an apartment building and currently contract with a private hauler for recycling services, please contact us. The City also offers free recycling assistance for apartments, such as, “what to recycle” handouts and posters in 10 languages, in-unit recycling totes, and grants for waste reduction projects.

Online: Submit a request – City of Saint Paul
Phone: 651-266-6101

The City of Saint Paul requires that property owners have recycling available on site for tenants per Code of Ordinance 357.09. 

Schedule Your Mattress Recycling Collection

Saint Paul residents and property managers can have mattresses, box springs, or metal bed frames picked up at no cost. This program ensures that mattresses, box springs, and metal bed frames will be recycled, rather than thrown in the trash. 

Accepted: Mattresses, Box Springs, Metal Bed Frames

NOT Accepted: Mechanical Beds, Bed Furniture (Headboards, Footboards)

How it works


Residential Recycling

City of Saint Paul provides recycling services to all residents. Click here to find info on program basics, acceptable materials, recycling drop-off center information, and more.

Residential Recycling Information

Accepted Materials

Find a detailed list of what you can and cannot put in your recycling container, cart, or dumpster.

Accepted Materials List

Collection Information

Information on how to use your cart, collection schedules, collection misses, and more.

Collection Information

Reduce and Reuse

Learn ways to cut down on waste by choosing to reduce and reuse.

Reduce and Reuse

Litter Clean-up Programs

Saint Paul Litter Programs help to address litter in our neighborhoods and dispose of problematic materials. Find out how you can participate.

Saint Paul Litter Programs

Household Organics (Food Scraps)

More than 30% of residential garbage is food scraps and other organics material. You can reduce the amount of these materials in your garbage with the household organics program.

Household Organics Recycling

Last Edited: March 11, 2025