March 24 Tree Removals
On Monday, March 17 Public Works conducted a "tree walk" with Forestry staff to do a final assessment of the trees in the construction area. Trees were marked for removal with a red X in preparation for construction in the Wheelock-Grotto Phase 1 area. Tree removals are anticipated to start on Monday, March 24. As with all construction, schedules may change.
Trees were marked for removal for several reasons:
- Proximity to installation of curbs and/or sidewalk
- Underground utility work conflicts, including lead water service replacement, sewer, and water main installation
- Roadway regrading conflicts with root systems of existing trees
- Overall tree health condition including any pre-existing signs of decline and/or structural defects
Construction activities can be damaging to adjacent boulevard trees. Curb installation, road/boulevard regrading, utility work, sidewalk installation, and other nearby construction activities may disrupt root systems of nearby trees. These root impacts can make a tree unstable, creating a possible public safety hazard. These construction impacts may not be immediately visible to the tree as a whole, but do impact the tree’s health and will only worsen over time.
What to expect during tree removal:
- Roads will be temporarily closed at the locations where trees are being removed
- Road closures will move based on where tree removals are occurring
- Expect to see "Road Closed to Thru Traffic" and/or "Local Traffic Only" signs
Tree stumps will be left and removed during the road construction. New trees will be planted in the boulevard once construction is completed.