Neighborhood street and pedestrian improvements within the area of East Como Boulevard, Grotto Street, Maryland Avenue, and Arlington Avenue are planned for 2025 and 2026. The project will improve street pavement, curb and gutter, street lighting, sidewalks, underground utilities including water mains and storm sewers as well as improve pedestrian safety by filling in missing sidewalk gaps.

Phase 1

  • Como Boulevard East between Arlington Avenue and Lakeview Avenue
  • Parkview Avenue between Como Boulevard and Victoria Street
  • Ivy Avenue between Como Boulevard and Grotto Street
  • Orange Avenue between Osage Street and Folsom Street
  • Osage Street between Ivy Avenue and Victoria Street
  • Avon Street between Lakeview Avenue and Wheelock Parkway
  • Folsom Street between Ivy Avenue and Wheelock Parkway

2025 - Phase 1
2026 - Phase 2


    March 24 Tree Removals

    On Monday, March 17 Public Works conducted a "tree walk" with Forestry staff to do a final assessment of the trees in the construction area. Trees were marked for removal with a red X in preparation for construction in the Wheelock-Grotto Phase 1 area. Tree removals are anticipated to start on Monday, March 24. As with all construction, schedules may change.

    Trees were marked for removal for several reasons:

    • Proximity to installation of curbs and/or sidewalk
    • Underground utility work conflicts, including lead water service replacement, sewer, and water main installation
    • Roadway regrading conflicts with root systems of existing trees
    • Overall tree health condition including any pre-existing signs of decline and/or structural defects

    Construction activities can be damaging to adjacent boulevard trees. Curb installation, road/boulevard regrading, utility work, sidewalk installation, and other nearby construction activities may disrupt root systems of nearby trees. These root impacts can make a tree unstable, creating a possible public safety hazard. These construction impacts may not be immediately visible to the tree as a whole, but do impact the tree’s health and will only worsen over time.

    What to expect during tree removal:

    • Roads will be temporarily closed at the locations where trees are being removed
    • Road closures will move based on where tree removals are occurring
    • Expect to see "Road Closed to Thru Traffic" and/or "Local Traffic Only" signs

    Tree stumps will be left and removed during the road construction. New trees will be planted in the boulevard once construction is completed.

    Virtual Meeting March 11

    2024 Video Presentations

    Please watch the Wheelock-Grotto Phase 1 video presentation (September 2024) to learn more about the project. You can also view the PowerPoint slides used in the video.

    Please watch the Wheelock-Grotto Phase 1 sidewalks video presentation (October 2024) to learn more about the layout of new sidewalks in the project area. You can also view the PowerPoint slides used in the sidewalks video. Please note that some of this information has changed with the Revised Sidewalk Plan shared on February 19, 2025.

    See the sidewalk section below to view the detailed sidewalk layout map used in the sidewalk presentation. Use this sidewalk map to view the layout of the sidewalk along specific streets or properties.


    The city is committed to making Saint Paul a pedestrian friendly, walkable community for everyone. In February 2017, the Saint Paul City Council adopted a policy of installing sidewalks where none exist as an integral part of all reconstruction projects. 

    The project will incorporate sidewalk recommendations from the 2023 Como Park High School and Como Park Elementary Safe Routes to School Plan within the project limits. The plan was developed by Saint Paul Public Schools staff and students along with the City of Saint Paul. It includes recommendations for street improvements near the two schools with the goal of increasing the number of students and families who walk and bike to school. The plan recommends sidewalks where there are none.

    Update 2/19/25: Revised Sidewalk Plan

    Engineering staff analyzed the survey data of existing topographic conditions and have made revised recommendations for placement of new sidewalk within the project area. The revised map shows the recommended placement of sidewalks. The revised sidewalk plan still follows existing city policy. 

    Public Works analyzed the existing terrain. Sidewalks are not recommended in areas that would require the installation of a retaining wall. Placing the sidewalk at the bottom of the slopes would reduce boulevard width, impact trees, and reduce available snow storage space. The revised sidewalk plan provides adequate space for snow storage, future tree plantings, and concurrent sidewalks on every block while preserving as much existing tree canopy as possible. 

    The standard placement for sidewalk installation is at the private property line. The city will work around existing trees and infrastructure where possible.

    Detailed Sidewalk Layout Map

    Use the revised  detailed sidewalk layout map to view the proposed layout of new sidewalks and location of existing sidewalks in the Wheelock-Grotto Phase 1 area. 

    Detailed Map Sections

    Please note that this map is for informational purposes and may not exactly reflect the existing infrastructure or final construction.

    Understanding and using the sidewalk layout map:

    • Zoom in to the specific street or property address (property lines are in green and buildings are in turquoise with addresses on them)
    • Map key
      • Green lines = property lines and recorded right of way (green lines along the street and alley)
      • Yellow = existing sidewalk
      • Dark orange = existing fence or wall
      • Green bubbles with number = existing tree and number is the size of the tree's trunk in inches
      • Blue lines = proposed curb for reconstructed street
      • Light orange with dots = proposed sidewalk
      • Olive green with number = width of the public right of way and proposed street in feet
      • Black boxes with a letter = driveways
        • A = asphalt driveway
        • B = brick driveway
        • C = concrete driveway
        • G = gravel driveway
    • Legend for the sidewalk map

    Utility Work

    Lead Water Service Line Replacement

    Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) will replace lead services to properties that participate in the Lead Free SPRWS Program. If you have a lead water service, you will receive notice from SPRWS with details. For additional information go to, call 651-266-6820, or email


    Property owners are responsible for their private sanitary sewer lines that are under the roadway and connect to the city’s main sewer line. Because the street is being reconstructed, it is a good time to undertake needed or preventative work/repairs on your private sanitary sewer line. The project encourages everyone to have their sanitary sewer connection inspected to verify its condition. For questions, contact the Sewer Utility service desk at 651-266-6234 or