
This license is for a retail business selling or offering for sale of non-flavored tobacco products within the city. Tobacco products includes electronic delivery devices containing or delivering nicotine or lobelia, whether natural or synthetic, intended for human consumption.

For code requirements, see recent amended tobacco ordinance, Ord 23-52 Sec. 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.

For other requirements, general inquiries and information about the ‘Tobacco Shop’ license, please contact DSI at phone number 651-266-8989, or email DSI-Licensing@ci.stpaul.mn.us .

Licensing Requirements

The total number of Tobacco Shop licenses issued under this chapter will not exceed one hundred (100).

No tobacco license may be issued to a person, firm, or corporation for any establishment located within one-half mile (2,640 feet) of another establishment possessing a tobacco license. Said one-half mile being calculated and computed as the distance measured from the property line of the premises or building proposed as the location for the tobacco license to the property line of any other tobacco license.

Inspection Requirements

Your application will be administratively reviewed by DSI Licensing and Zoning. You will be informed of any required inspections. The application must satisfy all regulatory requirements prior to issuance.

Licensed Tobacco Shop establishments are subject to inspections throughout the year for underage sales compliance, flavor and price compliance and other regulatory compliances.


See Fee Table for current License fees.

Expiration & Renewal

The Tobacco Shop License will expire one year from date of issuance and may be renewed annually.

Penalties: Sales to an Underage Buyer and Display, possession or sale of flavor tobacco products, chapter 324.10 section (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.

Presumptive penalties for licensees for violations. Adverse penalties for licensees for violations or convictions shall be presumed as follows:

Type of
(1) Sale to a person under twenty-one (21) years of age$500.00 fine$1,000.00 fine$2,000.00 fine and
7-day suspension
(2) Display, possession or multiple incidents of sales of;
  • single cigarettes;
  • menthol tobacco products; or
  • flavored tobacco products
10-day suspensionRevocation  

Per Section 324.01(d) of the Legislative Code

No license may be issued for a location has been revoked for any reason other than nonpayment of license fees within the past five (5) years.

Last Edited: September 6, 2024