Turn it up! DSI simplifies process for amplified sound with new permit, guidelines

The old process for obtaining sound variances required significant time and resources from everyone involved — from the requestor to the city council. In 2022, more than 120 variance requests went to the City Council for approval - most were approved without comment or attendance from community members. Another 50 requests met exemptions and didn’t require a council-approved variance. 

New for 2024, most Sound Level Variances are covered by administratively-issued Amplified Sound Permits. The permit-issuing agency now depends on the location of the event - any events on Parks and Recreation property will be issued by Parks and Recreation. Everywhere else (residential or non-residential property) is handled by the Department of Safety and Inspections.

Public hearings are no longer required, and the applicant is responsible for notifying neighbors and properties within 300 feet of the event’s location.

Sound Level Variances are still required for events with excessive sound outside of regular hours, but most events can be covered by permits!

DSI staff can assist with opening, operating, and expanding a business in the City of Saint Paul. We are here to work with all owners and operators to help you achieve your business goals.

Need assistance? Together with the City's Planning and Economic Development department, DSI can help connect you with the right agencies citywide to start, plan, develop and operate your business using one form, available here.

The Central Certification (CERT) program is a small business certification program recognized by Ramsey County, Hennepin County, the City of Minneapolis, and the City of Saint Paul, which serves as the program's point of contact. The program certifies Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBEs), small Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBEs), and Emerging Small Business Enterprises (ESBEs). Questions? Email cert@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-8966.

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Last Edited: February 24, 2025