There is currently no Snow Emergency in effect.

When a Snow Emergency is declared, residents are asked to follow specific parking guidelines to allow for efficient snow removal operations. Vehicles in violation of parkingrestrictions will be ticketed and towed. 

New Snow: Alternate Side Parking Pilot in Two Neighborhoods

Starting Sunday, February 2, 2025, Saint Paul Public Works will be piloting a new weekly alternating one-sided parking cycle on residential streets. This weekly alternating parking cycle will be in effect for the two small pilot areas until April 12, 2025.

During the pilot, Public Works crews will be treating and plowing all streets in the pilot area for any winter weather related event. Residents should anticipate seeing plows on their street. Please note these plows may only be doing work in the pilot area and not on surrounding streets.

The two neighborhood pilot areas will be signed with temporary signs (see image below) and are located:

  • Payne-Phalen - bounded by Mississippi Street, Maryland Avenue, Desoto Street, and Case Avenue
  • Highland Park - bounded by Fairview Avenue, Ford Parkway, Snelling Avenue and Montreal Avenue

On-street parking in these designated areas will be one-side parking that will alternate weekly between the EVEN and ODD numbered sides of the streets. 

Parking is permitted on both sides of the streets on Sundays between 3-9 p.m. when people should be moving vehicles to the other side of the street where permitted.

Parking schedule

WeekDatesParking Rules
EVEN-ADDRESS WEEK2/2; 2/16; 3/2; 3/16; 3/30No parking on the side of the street with odd-numbered addresses
ODD-ADDRESS WEEK2/9; 2/23; 3/9; 3/23; 4/6No parking on the side of the street with even-numbered addresses
Learn more about the Pilots

New for 2024-2025 Snow Season – Everbridge Resident Connect: 

The City of Saint Paul will send a voicemail message when a Snow Emergency has been declared to phone numbers publicly registered in Saint Paul. This is NOT using the Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS).

Shovel your sidewalk, do not put carts on the street, and clear hydrants and storm drains
  • Shovel your sidewalk. Saint Paul City Ordinance requires snow and ice to be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours. Corner property owners should shovel curbs, walkways and crosswalks to the street.
  • Do not push snow out into the streets.
  • Do not place recycling and garbage carts in the street. Carts should ONLY be kept in the boulevard or at the end of the driveway.
  • If you are able, please shovel hydrants out and clear snow and ice off storm drains to prevent street flooding.
  • Free off-street parking is available during the first 24 hours of a declared Snow Emergency (Night and Day Plow Phases) from 5 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Block 19 Ramp (145 E 7th Street) located at Jackson and 7th Street in downtown Saint Paul.
  • Ramsey County offers free Warming Shelters and transportation from select locations. More information can be found at

Snow Emergency Parking Map

Check out when and where you should park your car during a Snow Emergency.

Downtown streets are all Night Plow Routes. Do not park on downtown streets after 9 p.m. on the first night of when a Snow Emergency is declared.

Snow Emergency Parking Map

Stay Informed of Snow Emergencies

Sign up to receive Saint Paul Snow Emergency text or email alerts (available in English, Spanish, Hmong and Somali).

Follow updates on social media or call 651-266-PLOW for recorded status messages.

Download the Snow Emergency Brochure (PDF)

The Snow Emergency brochure is also available in 7 different languages.

This brochure is a PDF, if you would like copies mailed to you, please email

Download the brochure

Last Edited: March 9, 2025