Parks and Recreation has received Federal and local match funding for the reconstruction of the Fish Hatchery Trail between Warner Road and Battle Creek Regional Park trailhead. The project will include trail reconstruction and widening where conditions allow, installation of site amenities such as lighting, benches, bike racks, and litter receptacles.
Project Updates
March 14, 2025
The City of St. Paul Department of Parks and Recreation has awarded a contract for the reconstruction of the Fish Hatchery Trail between Battle Creek Regional Park and Warner Road. Construction will begin April 1, 2025 and continue into October 2025 (pending weather). During this time, Fish Hatchery Trail will be closed and a detour signed. We will be placing posters at prominent points along the trail and detour route to publicize the upcoming work and trail closure.
Below is a graphic of the poster that will be installed in the community showing the proposed trail alignment and detour route.
October 29, 2024
The Fish Hatchery Trail project has been advertised for bids with a bid opening on Thursday November 7, 2024. We anticipate having a contractor on board to undertake some preliminary work yet this fall. The majority of the trail construction will occur in spring and summer 2025.
June 27, 2024
Tree removals have been completed in preparation of trail construction. On Monday July 1, a contractor will be onsite applying hydroseed mulch to the embankment along highway 10 and 61 to stabilize the slope until construction can begin. A bid date has not yet been identified.
May 17, 2024
We have received all necessary easements and rights to land for the construction of the trail so tree clearing will begin on Monday. During the tree clearing operations, the existing trail will be used as a haul route periodically. There will be advanced signage to warn of the activity, but please continue to use caution on the trail. The tree clearing operations will be complete by May 31st.
Final approval of the plans will be completed and a bid letting date identified. We anticipate awarding a contract late summer for a fall start to construction.
March 25, 2024
Final plans have been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the final review. We are awaiting an easement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Once both of those items are complete, we'll be able to advertise the project for bids. Construction would begin shortly thereafter.
October 13, 2023
We are completing some of the final items for approval of the trail plans. We anticipate advertising the project for bids after the first of the year to be ready for construction as soon as conditions allow in the spring.
July 25, 2023
During review of the construction documents, it was determined the plans could not be approved as they were. We are working through revisions to the plans and anticipate a late summer completion for final review. This will allow us to advertise the project for bids in Fall/winter and be on track for construction in the spring/summer of 2024.
May 30, 2023
Construction documents have been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for a final review. Easements are being secured with the Department of Natural Resources. We anticipate advertising for bids in June for a July bid opening. Tree clearing and ground surcharging will take place this fall and main trail construction begin in spring 2024.
March 29, 2023
We have been in the process of developing plans for the Fish Hatchery Trail project and will be on the Southeast Community Organization Land Use Committee meeting agenda April 3, 2023. The meeting will be hybrid format. In person will be held at the Conway Sports Dome facility (2080 Conway Street) and online at this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84824748334. The meeting will be from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
We are working toward a summer 2023 bid for tree clearing in the fall and construction in the spring 2024. This schedule has been established to minimize disturbance of rare species and other significant natural features such as Butternut trees, Kitten-tails, Northern Long-Eared Bat, and Rusty Patched Bumblebee.
To view the the document that was presented at the meeting, please access this Southeast Community Organization meeting document.
May 5, 2022
It will be necessary to collect additional soil borings to adequately study the structural properties of the soil in order to design the new trail. A materials testing company will be on site May 11-13 to collect soil borings along the existing and proposed trail alignment. Portions of the trail may be blocked at this time and care should be taken when using the trail.