If you'd like more information on one of the projects listed on our Opportunity Zone Project dashboard, please contact the people listed there. 

If you'd like more information on Saint Paul's Opportunity Zone Program generally, please contact the following as appropriate to your question:

Jimmy Loyd, Director of Economic Development
Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development
25 Fourth Street West, Suite 1300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
phone: 651-266-6639
email: jimmy.loyd@ci.stpaul.mn.us

Jules Atangana, Director of Housing
Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development
25 Fourth Street West, Suite 1100
Saint Paul, MN 55102
phone: 651-266-6636
email: jules.atangana@stpaul.gov

Yasmine Robinson, Director of Planning
Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development
25 Fourth Street West, Suite 1400
Saint Paul, MN 55102
phone: 651-266-6556
email: yasmine.robinson@stpaul.gov

Opportunity Zone Home
Saint Paul: Minnesota's Livable and Dynamic Capital City
Saint Paul's Approach to Opportunity Zones
Contact us about Opportunity Zones!
 Focus Area: City Center and Riverfront, including District del Sol
Focus Area: Creative Enterprise Zone
Focus Area: Midway Soccer Stadium, including Little Africa 
Focus Area: Green Line East, including Little Mekong and Rondo
Focus Area: North End Nexus
Focus Area: Phalen Corridor
Focus Area: Gold Line East
Opportunity Zones

Last Edited: June 27, 2024