About This Page

This page and information is for those that live in the immediate area of our water treatment plant. It is about impacts from demolition and construction during treatment plant improvements.

For general information please go to the Plant Improvement section of the Our Work page.


Project updates will be posted here throughout the duration of the project.

January 13, 2025

Roofing Work to Take Place Starting Jan. 14

At times, roofing work will require placing hot asphalt, which will produce an odor that may be strong depending on the wind direction. 
The odor should be intermittent and is not expected to last for the full duration of the roofing work. 
This work should be similar to roofing work that was performed onsite late last year.

Construction Work to Take Place on Saturdays

Construction work is to take place on Saturdays from 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. starting on Saturday, Jan. 18.

Slide Rail System Being Installed

A slide rail system is being installed on the west side of the facility. Expect loud banging during work hours.

72-inch Pipe to be Delivered

Large, 72-inch diameter pipe will be delivered twice a week every week until February. The deliveries should have minimum impact on neighbors other than encounters during deliveries on the road will be conspicuous. 

Site is Extremely Busy

The entire site is extremely busy with activity in nearly every section.

Virtual Open House

The virtual open house was held on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. A recording of the virtual open house is available below:

Much of the information presented in the first open house can also be found in this set of posters (PDF - 2.8MB).


Below are copies of the letters we've sent thus far:

March 2022 Letter (PDF - 1.07 MB)

December 2021 Letter (PDF - 76 KB)

August 2021 Letter (PDF - 536 KB) 

Project Overview

An overview of some of the most important project details.


March - May 2022 – Tree removals and some small-scale activities on site (i.e. moving small equipment, etc.)
May 2022 – Stage 1 demolition work begins
Fall - Winter 2022 – New facility construction work begins
Winter 2025 – Stage 2 demolition work begins
Mid-2026 – Project is complete

Please see the sections below for more information on each of these activities. The project schedule is subject to change as countless factors influence the rate of progress.

Impacts on Neighbors

As noted in the letter that we mailed in August 2021, neighboring properties are expected to experience impacts from the work, including:

  • Traffic – You may encounter some construction traffic on Larpenteur Avenue, Roselawn Avenue, Sylvan Street, and Rice Street near your home.
  • Noise – Depending upon proximity to the site, you are likely to hear construction noise when you are outdoors and/or when you have your windows open. During particularly noisy construction activities, neighbors located close to the property may also be able to hear the project even with their windows closed.
  • Visual Impacts – Depending upon proximity to the site, you may be able to see the construction and demolition work as it occurs. As noted above, many trees on site will be removed, so views of the property will be meaningfully altered for neighbors.

Work Hours

SPRWS anticipates that most work will be accomplished during the following working hours: Monday to Friday from 7:00 am - 5:30 pm.

Occasionally, work may need to be pushed into evening hours or weekend hours if unexpected circumstances are encountered. Existing noise ordinances allow for work to be performed Monday to Saturday from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm.

Generally, work will only be planned outside of the stated hours if it is expected to be quiet or if it must be accomplished at night due to extenuating circumstances.

We understand that these are your evenings and your weekends, and we have every intention of ensuring that we limit impacts as much as possible during these sensitive times.

Demolition of Facilities

Many existing facilities will be demolished as part of this project. Demolition work will be completed in two stages as shown in the graphic below. In general, demolition work will be the noisiest part of the project. Most of the structures that will be demolished are large, below-ground facilities. Our team continues to work through details of the demolition plan to minimize impacts on neighbors.

Map showing SPRWS facilities to be demolished during stage 1 and stage 2
Map showing SPRWS facilities to be demolished during stage 1 and stage 2

Stage 1 Demolition will take place from summer through winter of 2022. The demolition of these facilities will free up space to build the new facilities. Overall, this demolition work is expected to take 7 months.

Stage 2 Demolition will take place after the new facilities are fully constructed and operational. This work is likely to occur in the winter of 2025. Overall, this demolition work is expected to take 10 months.

New Facility Construction

New facilities will be constructed on the northeast portion of the site. Ultimately, much of the construction will be below-ground and will not be visible once the project is completed. There will, however, be numerous above-ground facilities constructed as well. The graphic below provides a sense of the locations and scales of the facilities that we plan to construct.

Overview graphic showing models of new above ground facilities and areas where underground facilities will be located
Overview graphic showing models of new above ground facilities and areas where underground facilities will be located

Last Edited: January 14, 2025