The Rondo-Frogtown Loop

The Loop provides kids and teens ages 10-18 access a wide variety of free, afterschool activities in their community. Kids and teens can ride the Loop Van between community centers and libraries in the Rondo and Frogtown neighborhoods.
It's never been easier to take advantage of everything the City of Saint Paul has to offer kids and teens. Here’s what makes The Loop awesome:
- Safe Rides: We’ve got transportation covered. Trusted City employees who work with young people will drive kids and teens between libraries and community centers.
- Programs You’ll Love: From tutoring and teen hangouts to cultural programs, we have activities that matter to you.
- Community Connections: We partner with community organizations to offer activities that celebrate diverse backgrounds.
- Family Events: Our family nights include everyone, so the whole family feels part of the community.
The Loop is a program from Saint Paul Parks and Recreation and Saint Paul Public Library (
The Loop is funded with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using state funding, After-School Community Learning Programs. The contents of this program do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education or the Minnesota Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal or state government.
The Loop Map
Kids and teens (ages 10-18) can ride the Loop's passenger van to attend after-school programs offered four community centers, one library, and a partner arts organization, all located in Ward 1 in the heart of Rondo and Frogtown.

- Rondo Community Library, 461 Dale St. N.
- West Minnehaha Recreation Center, 685 Minnehaha Ave. W.
- Black Youth Healing Arts Center, 643 Virginia St.
- Frogtown Community Center, 230 Como Ave.
- Martin Luther King Recreation Center, 271 Mackubin St. N.
- Oxford Community Center/Jimmy Lee Recreation Center, 270 Lexington Pkwy. N.