Concordia/Rondo Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Marion Street will be resurfaced in 2024 through a process called mill and overlay to create a smoother roadway surface. Crews grind off the top layer of roadway, then replace it with a new layer of bituminous pavement. The project will also include:

  • Pedestrian improvements
  • Removal of one vehicle travel lane
  • Addition of an on-street buffered bike lane

Concordia/Rondo Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Marion Street

Fall 2024


    Construction Schedule

    • Work completed in 2024:
      • Concrete curb work completed.
      • Milling (removing the roadway surface) was completed on Tuesday, October 22.
      • Paving to resurface the roadway started on Wednesday, October 23 and was completed on Tuesday, October 29.
      • Sidewalk work, included pedestrian ramps, is completed for 2024.
      • Majority of the striping work was completed.
    • Work to be completed in 2025:
      • Crosswalk markings will be completed in spring 2025.
      • Remaining sidewalk work on Concordia/Rondo Avenue between Hamline Avenue and Dale Street will be completed. Sidewalk panels will be removed and replaced in 2025.
      • Punch list items and any clean up will be completed.

    Updated Assessment

    On October 21, Saint Paul Public Works mailed all abutting property owners individual project update letters to let them know the assessment rate for this project has changed to $29.80/foot and what their new estimated assessment cost will be for their property. This final cost does take into account any properties that may have had prior roadwork assessments that have since been deducted from the final cost. 

    Project Updates

    New Sidewalks: No Salt

    Please refrain from using salt to remove ice on new concrete installed this year.  Salt will harm newly installed concrete and increase freeze/thaw cycles which can do further damage. Sand or grit may be used to add traction and help address icy conditions on new concrete.

    We appreciate your assistance in helping maintain the new sidewalks.

    Map of Concordia/Rondo Avenue Resurfacing Area

    Map showing Concordia-Rondo mill and overlay project area for 2024

    Traffic Calming: Reduction to 1 vehicle lane and on-street bike lane addition

    • This is a resurfacing project, and the curb will not be moved. 
    • City of Saint Paul requested and received a variance from MnDOT to reduce the number of vehicle lanes on Concordia/Rondo Avenue from 2 lanes to 1 lane. A MnDOT variance is required because a one direction road that receives Municipal State Aid funding such as Concordia/Rondo Avenue must have 2 travel lanes.
    • Reducing to 1 travel lane is expected to slow traffic and calm speeding, which have been documented on Concordia/Rondo Avenue and shared as an ongoing neighborhood concern. 
    • Removing 1 travel lane creates an opportunity to add a one-way on-street bike lane. The bike lane will use the space currently occupied by the second travel lane that the city received a variance to remove.
    • The one-way eastbound on-street bike lane will be added on Concordia/Rondo Avenue between Pascal Avenue and Western Avenue. The bike lane will connect to existing and planned bikeways. 
    • Parking will remain on the south side of Concordia/Rondo Avenue. There may be some minor reductions in parking at intersections to accommodate bumpouts or traffic lane changes.
    Proposed Reconfiguration of Concordia/Rondo Avenue
    Proposed configuration of Concordia Avenue - vehicle travel lane, buffered bike lane, and parking
    Proposed Concordia/Rondo Avenue Bikeway and Existing Bicycle Network
    Map showing the proposed bikeway on Concordia Avenue from Pascal to Western with connections to existing bikeways.

    Pedestrian Improvements

    The city’s sidewalk division will make pedestrian improvements as part of the resurfacing project:

    • Install ADA-compliant ramps to improve accessibility for people using strollers and mobility devices.
    • Install bumpouts (curb extensions) to narrow the road and provide a shorter crossing and better visibility for people. Narrowing the road also encourages slower driving speeds.
      • Bumpouts will be constructed at Pascal Street and Chatsworth Street

    Presentation and Layout

    Here's the PowerPoint presentation that was shared at the community meeting on Wednesday, April 24.

    View the layout of Concordia/Rondo Avenue to see the location of mill and overlay work, location of the bike lane on the roadway, proposed impacts to on-street parking to accommodate pedestrian bumpouts, the bike lane, and the merging of 2 vehicle lanes into 1 lane.

    Public Hearing on Assessment on July 17

    The City of Saint Paul held a public hearing for the Concordia/Rondo Avenue Mill and Overlay from Snelling to Marion project assessment, during the city council meeting on Wednesday, July 17. This is item number 17 (RES PH 24-167) on the  July 17 City Council agenda.

    Property owners, tenants, and others were invited to attend the hearing to provide comments on the estimated assessment rate. If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may also provide comments via email, written letter, or voice mail to the contact information listed on your letter. View a sample copy of the letter (also in project documents below).

    For more information about the assessment, or to see if you are being assessed, please call 651-266-8858 with the parcel ID/address listed in your letter. All property owners were mailed a revised notification letter with the hearing information and the estimated assessment details from the Office of Financial Services in July 2024. 

    Property owners on Saint Anthony Avenue may have received an assessment in error. Saint Anthony Avenue is scheduled to be resurfaced at a future date.

    Public Hearing details

    When: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

    Where: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall – Court House

      15 W Kellogg Blvd

       Saint Paul, MN 55102

    What: RES PH 24-167 (17 on the July 17 City Council agenda): Final Order approving the Mill and Overlay on Concordia/Rondo from Snelling to Marion as part of the 2024 Mill and Overlay Program (Project No. MO2403B, Assessment No. 255503).

    Information about the city council meeting is available on the Council’s agenda at

    City Council Meeting on July 10 and July 24

    The City of Saint Paul held a public hearing on July 10 regarding the installation of a bicycle lane and the related parking impacts as part of the Concordia/Rondo Avenue mill and overlay project. A letter about the July 10 public hearing was mailed to residents on Concordia/Rondo Avenue. View a copy of the letter (also in project documents below).

    The City Council closed the public hearing on July 10 and laid over RES PH 24-156 until July 24.

    City Council meeting details

    When: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

    Where: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall – Court House

      15 W Kellogg Blvd

       Saint Paul, MN 55102

    Information about the city council meeting is available on the Council’s agenda at

    Utility Work

    Lead Water Service Line Replacement

    Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) replaced lead water service lines on Concordia/Rondo Avenue. The construction area was in a number of locations along Concordia/Rondo Avenue where lead water service lines were replaced at various properties. Properties scheduled for lead water service line replacement should receive communications from SPRWS.

    Lead Water Service Line Replacement Information

    The SPRWS Board of Water Commissioners adopted a 10-year plan in 2022, Lead Free SPRWS, to replace all lead service lines from its service area. You are eligible for the program if you previously received a letter regarding replacement of your private lead service line. You can also visit the SPRWS webpage at to learn more about the Lead Free SPRWS program, verify if your property is eligible, and take the first step in signing up for the program by filling out an online intent form.

    For questions, contact SPRWS at 651-266-6350 or

    Project Documents