Water Street Special Sanitary Sewer Availability Connection Charge (SSSACC) District
The Water Street Special Sanitary Sewer Availability Connection Charge (SSSACC) District is a funding mechanism to support the Water Street Sanitary Sewer Construction. Recent development activity in Saint Paul’s West Side district has brought unexpected demand on the sanitary sewer system between Harriet Island Regional Park and the bluffs. In order to expand sewer capacity, the City is redesigning and improving the sanitary sewer system, including replacement and redirection of thousands of feet of pipes and installation of a new lift station.
Once the sewer system improvement project is complete and the system is available for new connections, a connection charge will be required of any owner of property within the Water Street SSSACC District when new development of their property generates increased demand for sanitary service. The City Council voted on RES PH 23-23, the establishment of the District and determined the new charge on February 1, 2023.