June 19, 2019
Hannah Burchill
(651) 266-6575
SAINT PAUL, Minn. – The Saint Paul City Council voted unanimously to approve Saint Paul For All, the city’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The forward-thinking vision that will guide the city’s development over the next two decades has now been forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for review.
“The 2040 Comprehensive Plan lays out a vision for a Saint Paul that truly works for all of us,” said Mayor Melvin Carter. “I am grateful to the community members, City staff and members of the Planning Commission who have worked for over four years to help translate this vision into a guide for our city’s future.”
The Comprehensive Plan addresses physical development across the city – planning for how neighborhoods, commercial properties, streets, parks and infrastructure impact the people who live, work and play in Saint Paul. The plan embraces growth; offers a wide range of housing choices; provides a transportation system that meets the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, riders and drivers; preserves, celebrates and builds on the city’s histories; supports infill development that sensitively accommodates a growing, aging and increasingly diverse population; and guides how Saint Paul will enhance its connection to the Mississippi River.
“Saint Paul needs to be a community that provides opportunity for people of all incomes, ages, races, ethnicities and abilities,” said Planning Commission Chair Betsy Reveal. “The Planning Commission is ready to champion the implementation of this document, and encourages Saint Paul residents, businesses, and institutions to continue to be involved as we begin to take action.”
The 2040 Comprehensive Plan is based on four years of community engagement and feedback from more than 2,000 residents at 70 community meetings, open houses and events. The community’s priorities for a livable, equitable, sustainable, and innovative city that invests in people are incorporated throughout the plan.
“The Comprehensive Plan offers a community-centered vision for the future inspired by the thousands of people who participated in the process,” said Dr. Bruce Corrie, director of the City’s Planning and Economic Development department. “The focus on neighborhood nodes creates avenues for economic vitality and community placemaking in Saint Paul’s greatest attractions – our unique, vibrant and diverse neighborhoods.”
Once the Metropolitan Council reviews the Comprehensive Plan, the plan will be resubmitted to the City Council for final review and approval. For more information about the plan, visit