April 21, 2022
Contact: Director of Council Operations Brynn Hausz, 651-266-8575


Saint Paul City Council Names Chief of Police Examining Committee  

SAINT PAUL (MN) – Today, the Saint Paul City Council announces appointments to its Chief of Police Examining Committee (the Committee). The Committee will be co-chaired by Sasha Cotton and Kathy Lantry. Today’s published slate of committee members brings a broad range of experiences, professions, backgrounds, and perspectives to the search for the next Saint Paul Police Chief. 
“We are delighted to announce such a great group of community stakeholders who will help advance the important work of selecting our next Police Chief,” said Council President Amy Brendmoen. “Our Co-chairs Sasha Cotton and Kathy Lantry are ready to push up their sleeves and get to work with this wonderful crew of invested stakeholders.” 
The Saint Paul Chief of Police Examining Committee is a limited-term committee. It will be responsible for reviewing applications for the Chief of Police position, conducting interviews, leading community engagement, and ultimately recommending five candidates to Mayor Carter. The Mayor will then be responsible for appointing a Chief of Police for a 6-year term starting in June 2022. 
The Council anticipates the Committee will begin meeting once per week starting in late May or early June 2022 until the time that they have completed their work. The work of the Committee will begin once the City’s Human Resources department has posted the Chief of Police job posting for the required 30 days. 
The Committee is established by the City Council pursuant to section 12.12.1 of the City Charter. Appointments to the Committee will be finalized when the City Council votes to adopt Ordinance 22-22, which is scheduled to receive first reading on Wednesday, April 27th. There will be a public hearing on Ordinance 22-22 on May 4th, and final adoption can be voted on no earlier than May 11th. The Ordinance takes effect 30 days following passage, approval, and publication. A few candidates for appointment to the Committee are pending and expected to be named soon. 
To learn more about the work of the Committee you are encouraged to visit


Last Edited: April 22, 2022