June 24, 2019
SAINT PAUL, Minn. – The City of Saint Paul has launched an online map of all properties available for purchase through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) at Users can filter and search for the property location, type, Planning District, Ward and estimated market value. Additionally, a staff contact is listed for each property to answer questions and field offers.
“Our team in the Department of Planning and Economic Development worked hard to make this database of HRA real estate assets available to the public in an online and user-friendly way." said Dr. Bruce Corrie, Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. "Often we get calls from people asking about available properties – now we hope the calls will be with ideas on how to develop them."
The sale of all properties is subject to the HRA Disposition Policy. This list of properties is subject to change at any time. Restricted use and conditional terms to purchase may apply to all properties.
The website is available at