Last week, Saint Paul Residents were notified of their new hauler for Citywide Garbage Service
SAINT PAUL (August 13, 2018) – As a part of Saint Paul’s new Citywide Garbage Services, which begins October 1, 2018, nearly 74,000 new, city-owned garbage carts will be delivered to all residential properties with 1 to 4 units. Per city ordinance, each property unit must have garbage service and an individual cart. Delivery of the carts begins today, August 13, and it will take six weeks to deliver carts across the city. Residents should place their new cart in a secure location and not use it until after September 28.
"We continue to work with the Saint Paul Haulers, LLC to ensure a smooth transition to citywide garbage service,” said Kathy Lantry, Director of Saint Paul Public Works. “We appreciate the continued help from Saint Paul residents, and remind them to use their current garbage cart through the week of September 24-28 until the new service begins.”
In May, property owners were asked to select their new garbage cart size and service level. More than 54 percent of property owners submitted their choice via postcard, online website or phone call. For the properties that currently have garbage service, but did not indicate a garbage cart size, they will receive the same size cart they currently have. Property owners who did not have garbage service and did not indicate a garbage cart choice will be assigned a medium cart.
Property owners can change their cart size once a year for no fee. With this large, systematic change, and the cart production and delivery timelines, the first opportunity for residents to change their cart size or service level is January 1, 2019. Residents will need to contact their new garbage hauler after October 1 to order a cart size change for January 2019. For questions about cart delivery, residents can visit or call the city’s garbage information line at 651-266-6101.
On September 24, garbage haulers will begin to remove old garbage carts by zones across the city. Please visit to learn more about the cart removal schedule. The old carts must be empty in order to be collected. Depending on the condition of the carts, garbage haulers will repurpose the cart in different cities they serve, use them as yard waste carts, recycle them, or properly dispose of them.
Last week, property owners and tenants received a mailed brochure from Saint Paul Public Works notifying them of their new garbage hauler, collection day, collection location and garbage cart size. Residents and property owners can find their specific garbage collection information online at or by calling 651-266-6101.
Residents should only contact their new garbage hauler directly if they would like to sign up for additional services such as yard waste or walk up service. After October 1, residents may contact their hauler for “bulky” item pick up. Bulky items, such as furniture, appliances, or electronics are too large to fit inside a garbage cart. When the new citywide garbage program begins on October 1, 2018, property owners can have one large, bulky item picked up from their property in 2018 at no cost. In 2019, depending on their cart size, property owners can dispose of two or three bulky items per year. Additional bulky items can be collected for a small fee. A list of bulky items can be found at
For questions about the new citywide garbage services, residents can visit or call the city’s garbage information phone line at 651-266-6101.
Lisa Hiebert, APR
Saint Paul Public Works
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