Construction Projects
We operate and maintain a complex system of water supply, treatment, and distribution infrastructure. To guarantee the performance and longevity of this system, SPRWS makes significant investments in infrastructure replacement and installation projects. Our employees work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure this system continues to produce and supply high-quality water.
For more information about some of these ongoing and upcoming projects, refer to the links below:
Water Main Construction Projects
2025 projects coming soon!
These projects are vital for maintaining the water distribution system that delivers water from our treatment plant to homes and businesses. We replace and install several miles of water main each year. Water main construction projects often involve temporarily closing streets, and may require placing affected customers on temporary water mains.
Water Treatment Plant Improvements
While current water quality remains exceptional, SPRWS is proactively looking towards the future and planning to make significant improvements to the McCarrons water treatment plant. Most of the changes to the facility will be targeted at improving reliability and flexibility and will enable the utility to continue to meet the needs of customers in the future. Overall, SPRWS expects to replace roughly two-thirds of the existing treatment process with more modern technology.