We're Proud of Our Water

SPRWS is one of only ~30 water utilities in the nation to have received the Partnership for Safe Water "President's Award" for five consecutive years. This award recognizes utilities that have optimized their treatment process to produce exceptional water quality that exceeds regulatory requirements.

The video below provides a look at where our water comes from and how we treat it. 

For more information, you can follow the path our water takes with an interactive story or get a more global view of where our water comes from presented by Maplewood, one of the suburban communities we serve.

Monthly Water Analysis

We analyze our treated water monthly for various physical and chemical properties. The results are used to monitor the effectiveness of the water treatment process and to assure that adequate levels of disinfection are present throughout the system. Portions of the test results are reported regularly to state and federal agencies, including the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

You may request that a paper copy of the report be sent to you by calling a customer service representative at 651-266-6350 during normal business hours or by emailing us with your request.

Water Contaminants

Saint Paul Regional Water Services actively monitors and treats for a wide variety of potential water contaminants. Click to expand the options below to learn more about these contaminants of particular concern, or refer to our water quality reports linked above for more comprehensive information.

Treatment Process

The utility’s water treatment plant was built in 1920-1922, since then it has been enlarged, modernized, and provides up-to-date treatment techniques to ensure high quality drinking water. Click on the items below to learn more about each step in the treatment process:

Last Edited: January 30, 2025