Program Info
How many SPRWS customers have lead?
SPRWS serves about 96,000 properties. Of those, about 26,000 (28 percent) have a lead service line.
When will my lead service line be replaced?
We are actively planning the next ten years of the program. We are obtaining funding and choosing an appropriate number of replacements to complete each year based on the funding. The SPRWS service area will be divided into project zones. We will prioritize based on several factors. We will share this information on our website as soon as it is available. We will contact customers directly when we are coming to their area. To make sure we have the most up to date contact information or you, please call customer service at 651-266-6350.
What is happening in 2025 with lead?
Customers in 2025 eligible areas will be contacted directly and will have the opportunity to receive a lead service line replacement at no cost to them.
What if I do not want to wait? Can I replace my lead service line now?
Yes, customers can replace the part of the lead service line that they own at any point. However, at this time, SPRWS funding and crews will only apply to replacements within the determined project zones. Customers may work with outside contractors to complete their private side work at their own expense. Our assessment program for Saint Paul residents allows the costs of such replacement work to be assessed and collected through property taxes. For information on the assessment program view our lead replacement packet (PDF - 396KB) or call the SPRWS engineering division at 651-266-6270. SPRWS does not currently have funding to help offset the cost of private side replacements outside of project zones, but we are exploring options for providing partial funding. We understand customers want their lead removed but to use the funds available most effectively, we need to complete the work in coordinated projects. If a customer decides to replace the private side of a lead service line and the public side is also lead, SPRWS will replace the public lead side at no cost to the customer.
I had my lead service line replaced in the past. Am I eligible for reimbursement now?
No, unfortunately, funding is only available for upcoming project zones. We cannot reimburse property owners for previously completed or assessed work. The grant funding is only available for work completed as part of the Lead Free SPRWS program after March 2022.