SPRWS Assistance

Unpaid bills can seem insurmountable. Help is available.

Start with a confidential call with a customer service associate at 651-266-6350 who will work with you to find a bill payment option for your individual and unique situation. We will match you with payment options that help you catch up on unpaid bills. This could include:

  • Setting up a payment plan on the outstanding balance or other payment options.
  • Connecting you with partners who have funding for help with an unpaid bill.

Other Assistance Providers


WaterWorks is a Saint Paul Regional Water Services initiative to assist low-income customers with water and sewer costs. It's administered jointly with Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties.

Website: caprw.org

Phone: 651-645-6470

United Way 2-1-1

United Way 2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and assistance for people in Minnesota, including help with utility bills. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Website: 211unitedway.org

Phone: 211

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army provides emergency assistance for those who need help with utility bills, rent, transportation, and more.

Website: centralusa.salvationarmy.org/usc/utility_assistance

HouseCalls (Ramsey County only)

HouseCalls services include financial assistance for utility bills.

Website: ramseycounty.us/residents/assistance-support/assistance/housing-services-support/housecalls

Phone: 651-266-1290

Neighborhood House (Saint Paul only)

Neighborhood House can help with basic needs, education, youth programs, and health and well-being. Assistance may include emergency financial support.

Website: neighborhoodhousemn.org 

Phone: 651-789-3602

Emergency Assistance Ramsey County

Phone: 651-266-4444

These links are provided for convenience only.  All questions or concerns regarding each of these organizations need to be directed to that organization. No endorsement, validity, or recommendation by SPRWS is to be implied.

Last Edited: February 20, 2025