Specific rules and regulations may apply to new Liquor On Sale, Malt On Sale, and Wine On Sale Licenses in the Development Districts. Contact a DSI Project Facilitator at 651-266-9103, or send an email to the DSI Message Center. The following defines the boundaries of the six commercial development districts created in Section 17.07.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter.
Downtown Development District
The territory lying within the boundary originating at the intersection of Kellogg Blvd. and West Seventh St.; turning southeast and continuing along Kellogg to St. Peter St.; extending approximately southeast to the Mississippi River, turning northeast to follow the river downstream to the approximate extension of Sibley St. (encompassing Raspberry Island), and turning northwest to Sibley and Kellogg; turning northeast on Kellogg and continuing to Wall St.; turning northwest on Wall and continuing to East Eighth St.; turning southwest on Eighth and continuing to about 200 feet southwest of Wacouta St.; turning northwest along the alignment of Sibley St. (which, past Ninth St., is displaced about 100 feet northeast of the other Downtown section of Sibley), and continuing about one block beyond E. Tenth St.; turning southwest on extended E. Eleventh St. and continuing on E. Eleventh to Minnesota St.; turning southeast on Minnesota and continuing one block to E. Tenth; turning southwest on E. Tenth and continuing one block to Cedar St.; turning northwest on Cedar and continuing to E. Eleventh; turning southwest on E. Eleventh and continuing one block to North Wabasha St.; turning southeast on Wabasha and continuing to Ninth St.; turning southeast on W. Ninth and continuing approximately one and a half blocks; turning east and continuing to the intersection of W. Ninth, West Exchange St., and St. Joseph's Lane; turning south on North Exchange St. and continuing to West Seventh St.; turning west on West Sixth St. and continuing to its intersection with Main St.; turning southwest and continuing to the intersection of North Smith Ave. and Chestnut; and turning southeast on Chestnut and continuing to Kellogg Blvd., to the origin of the boundary.
Energy Park Development District
The area is defined as Energy Park which, roughly, is between Lexington Parkway on the east, railroad tracks on the south and north sides, and Snelling Ave. on the west side.
University and Dale Development District
This is the area on the south side of University Ave. from Dale St. to Mackubin St., including all of the Uni-Dale Mall property and extending back to the alley line.
Selby Avenue Development District
This is the area of Selby Ave., both sides of the street, and back to the alley line from Grotto St. to Virginia St., and both sides of Western Ave. from Dayton to the alley line south of Selby and Western.
Midway / I-94 Development District
This is the area both sides of Hamline Ave. from I-94 to University Ave., east on University, south side only, to Lexington Parkway and both sides of Lexington from University to Fuller St.
Amtrak Development District
This is the area of University Ave., north side of street, from an area running from the Minnesota Commercial railroad tracks, west to Raymond Avenue along one block of Raymond, both sides of street, including the commercial building on the northwest side of Raymond; and Territorial Road, running east along both sides of Territorial, north along Hersey Road, west along Wycliff St., east along Capp Road, and south on Territorial from Pierce Butler to University.