General Information

Rezoning is a change in use or density from that permitted in the existing zone.

In the City of Saint Paul, public hearings are conducted by the Planning Commission and the City Council for rezoning requests. The Planning Commission reviews the proposal and makes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council makes the final decision for all rezoning applications.

The Planning Commission is a 21-member citizen board appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. Their 8-member Zoning Committee holds the public hearing and makes a recommendation to the full Planning Commission. All property owners within 350 feet of the subject property and the Citizen Participation District Council for the area are notified by mail at least 10 days prior to the public hearing. In addition, notices about rezoning cases are published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on Mondays, 10 days before the public hearing at Zoning Committee and City Council meetings. Notices can be searched by property address and viewed by visiting Twin Cities MarketPlace - Legals.

The Zoning Committee holds public hearings every other Thursday. The hearings start at 3:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers on the third floor of the City Hall/Courthouse. It is essential that the applicant or their representative attend the hearing. At the public hearing, the Zoning Committee hears a staff report and recommendation, hears public testimony and makes a recommendation on the request. The Planning Commission receives the recommendation of their Zoning Committee at its next meeting, 8:30 a.m. on the Friday of the following week, when they decide whether to recommend approval or denial of the rezoning application to the City Council. This is a public meeting, but no public testimony can be heard.

Approximately one month later, the City Council holds their public hearing for the rezoning request at a meeting on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Notification is mailed to everyone on the original notification list. If the rezoning is approved, an ordinance is drafted. It is read before the City Council three times. The ordinance is then published in the Pioneer Press. The rezoning becomes effective 30 days after its publication. If the City Council denies the rezoning, the same request cannot be made within one year from the date of the denial.

Code Requirements

Rezonings from residential to commercial or industrial zoning districts cannot be considered unless a notarized petition of two-thirds of the property owners within 100 feet of the property has been obtained stating support for the use.

Some of the issues that are evaluated by the City with respect to rezoning proposals include:

  • Compatibility with land use and zoning classification of property within the general area.
  • Suitability of the property for the uses permitted under the existing zoning classification.
  • The trend of development in the area of the property in question.
  • Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and District Plan.

The Planning Commission may act as the Board of Zoning Appeals and grant Zoning variances in accordance with the variance provisions in the Zoning Code.

Application Requirements

If you are considering a rezoning application, you should call to schedule a pre-application conference with staff from the Zoning Section. At this conference staff will discuss your plans to determine the most appropriate request and to determine if any other zoning actions will be required (i.e., site plan review, special condition use permit). Also, for a fee, staff will review the consent petition requirements, prepare a parcel map delineating all parcels within 100 feet of the property to be rezoned and generate a corresponding ownership listing from Ramsey County taxation records (a private title company can also provide this information). For more information on the rezoning process please refer to the Saint Paul Rezoning Tip Sheet. You must submit an application that includes the following:

The decision process for Rezonings takes three to four months. See the Planning Commission Hearing Schedule for the hearing dates.

Rezoning Fees & Inspections


Up to one acre of Land$1,260.00
Each additional acre of land$263.00
Additional fee for a River Corridor Conditional Use Permit$525.00
Additional fee if variance needed$315.00

Please submit the above to:

Department of Planning and Economic Development 

Zoning Section 

1400 City Hall Annex 25 Fourth Street West 

Saint Paul, MN 55102 

* There is an additional fee of $1,000.00 if rezoning to PD Planned Development. District Checks should be made payable to the City of Saint Paul. When a zoning application is submitted for a development that has been built or started without the required city permits, a late fee will be assessed. The late fee double the filing fee up to a maximum of $1,000.00.


A zoning staff person will visit the site to take photos which will  be shown at the public hearing. If the Rezoning is granted, an inspection is made as part of the building permit or license for the project. Call 651-266-9008 to reach a Zoning Inspector. Call 651-266-9002 to reach a Building Inspector. 

Last Edited: January 2, 2025