Understanding Recycling at Your Property

The City of Saint Paul requires recycling service be provided at all residential properties. The City provides for two different types of service:

Small Apartment Buildings (5-11 Units): Small apartment buildings typically share two large (96 gallon) recycling carts.

Learn when your recycling is picked up by viewing this Recycling Collection Day Map. The recycling carts either stay in the alley or go out to the curb on your recycling day. If your building does not have an alley, be sure that the person responsible for setting your carts at the curb knows your recycling collection day.

Large Apartment Buildings (12 or more units): Large apartment buildings will recycle in the location designated by their property manager. Recycling dumpsters or carts are available to be placed near each trash enclosure area.  Contact The City of Saint Paul if you have questions about service related issues.  

See below for contact information and additional resources.  

Free Resources

The following resources are available to property owners and managers of multi-unit dwelling (MUD) buildings, such as apartments and condos. To request these resources and more, fill out the Recycling Assistance Request Survey. 

Request Apartment Recycling Assistance 

Service Issues

See below for details on handling service issues at your property.

Plastic Bag/Film Recycling

If you're interested in offering a collection point for plastic bags and plastic film at your apartment building, the City has resources to help. In 2018, Saint Paul ran a pilot project for collecting plastic bags/film at apartment buildings. Check out the project webpage for ideas on how to start your own, or reach out for assistance. 

Plastic Bag/Film Recycling Project

Request Apartment Recycling Assistance 

Last Edited: March 11, 2025