Missed Collection

Recycling and garbage haulers operate their routes between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. If it is after 6 p.m. on your pickup day, and your recycling had not been collected, call 651-266-6101 or contact us using our Online Request Form.

Two options for extra recyclables that do not fit in your cart: 

  1. You can set out containers and paper in up to 6 paper grocery bags or 3 medium size boxes next to your cart.  Stacked and flattened cardboard can also be set next to your cart.  All cardboard must be able to fit inside the cart.  Drivers will empty your cart and then place all extra material inside the cart and tip it again.
  2. Drop them off at the City of Saint Paul's Recycling Drop-Off Center.

To sign up for a weekly reminder of recycling pick-up, or receive timely collection updates, visit Eureka's website to search their database or download their app: eurekarecycling.org 

Missed Garbage Collection?

For missed garbage pickup, contact your garbage hauler directly. You can find their contact information at stpaul.gov/garbagemap

Collection Days

Find your collection days for garbage and recycling by using our interactive map!

Find your collection day!

Holiday Collection

If one of the holidays listed below lands on a weekday and your usual collection day is on or after that holiday, collection will be delayed by one day. Check out the garbage and recycling calendar for additional details. 

  • Memorial Day
  • 4th of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day
  • New Year's Day

2025 Garbage and Recycling Collection Calendar

Tag Hanging on Your Cart

If there is a tag hanging on the handle of your recycling cart after the recycling truck has passed your house- please read it carefully. Take note of the information and address the needed changes so that your recycling is not missed in the future. For information on how to properly use your recycling cart, visit our page for details.

Recycling Cart Information 

Buying or Selling a Home?

No action is needed to set up or cancel recycling service at a residential property. Recycling services are funded though an assessment on your taxes; this will automatically switch when the sale goes through. Find your recycling collection day using the link below.

  • If you are selling a home- leave the blue recycling cart in a secure location at your property, for example, in the garage or out of site from the street or alley.
  • If you are purchasing a home- a blue recycling cart should already be at the property. If there is no recycling cart or you would like a different size, call the City of Saint Paul at 651-266-6199.
  • Trash service- call your garbage hauler directly after closing. Find out who your hauler is using the link bellow.

Hauler and Collection Collection Information

Last Edited: March 11, 2025