Garbage Rates: January-March 2025

All Saint Paul residential properties with 1-4 units, including rentals and townhomes, must have a garbage cart and garbage collection service for each unit. Depending on your cart size, you can have either 2 or 3 bulky items collected each calendar year at no additional cost. An annual fee of $42.86 will be added to your Ramsey County property tax statement to help cover costs for carts, program administration, outreach and education efforts.

Cart SizeGallonsCollection

Bulky Items Included Annually

Quarterly Rates w/ State and County Fees

Annual Service 

Fee/ Unit

Total Annual Costs Single Family Home
Small32 (approx. 2-3 kitchen sized bags)Every other week


Small32 (approx. 2-3 kitchen sized bags)Weekly


Medium64 (approx. 4-5 kitchen sized bags)Weekly


Large96 (approx. 5-7 kitchen sized bags)Weekly



Garbage Rates: April 2025 - March 2026

All Saint Paul residential properties with 1-4 units, including rentals and townhomes, must have a garbage cart and garbage collection service for each unit. Starting April 1, 2025, each unit will also be allowed one bulky item per month (12 per year) at no additional cost. An annual fee of $42.86 will be added to your Ramsey County property tax statement to help cover costs for carts, program administration, outreach and education efforts.

Cart SizeGallonsCollection

Bulky Items Included Annually

Quarterly Rates w/ State and County Fees

Annual Service


Total Annual Costs Single Family Home
Small32 (approx. 2-3 kitchen sized bags)Every other week


Small32 (approx. 2-3 kitchen sized bags)Weekly


Medium64 (approx. 4-5 kitchen sized bags)Weekly


Large96 (approx. 5-7 kitchen sized bags)Weekly



Program Changes  

There will be several improvements to the citywide garbage program starting in April 2025, including:  

  • Instead of two to three bulky items collected per year, residents will be able to have up to one cubic yard (e.g. refrigerator size) picked up per month for each unit at no additional cost. Bulky item collection will be picked up with the regular collection day and will not require residents to call in advance. The exception is electronic items, which do require special handling.
  • Opting out and cart sharing options will be phased in for property owners beginning 2026, with specific provisions. 
    • Multi-unit cart sharing applications will open in October 2025 with an earliest start date of January 1, 2026.
  • Property owners will receive quarterly bills from the city (not the hauler) after services have been rendered. This is a change from the current process in which the designated hauler pre-bills property owners. The first bill will be mailed July 1 for services provided April-June.
    • The last bill from your current hauler will be mailed January 5, 2025 with a due date of January 25, 2025; this covers service Jan-March 2025.
  • All customer service requests and issues will be handled by city staff. Residents will only need to contact one number for garbage, yard waste, bulky, or recycling collection or cart issues.
  • Billing and cart services will be handled the by the city.
  • Collection of mattresses at no additional charge for all residential properties will continue in 2025.
  • FCC Environmental will provide four community clean-ups in partnership with the city.
  • The contracted drop-off recycling site will be moved to the new Public Works facility reducing costs and allowing the city to provide expanded year-round drop off options.  

The City of Saint Paul will start municipally hauling up to 10% of the city’s garbage in April 2025. This decision to haul a small number of residential garbage routes enables the city to be an active, hands-on partner with other designated private haulers who will continue to provide regular, reliable, and responsive residential garbage services to Saint Paul.  With city crews doing a small portion of residential garbage hauling, it allows the city to:   

  • Focus on certain alley routes and properties that may be challenging for collection.  
  • Better identify, first-hand, systemic opportunities and challenges and address them more quickly by utilizing all city departments, designated haulers, and residents as needed.  
  • Coordinate its various garbage, recycling, and litter services with city owned public spaces and buildings. This provides a more unified and responsive enterprise approach to garbage, including public litter management, encampments, public trash containers, and illegal dumping.  
  • Work in partnership with private haulers to create a standard level of service more efficiently across the city and reduce conflicts with other planned city maintenance and operations, such as sweeping and construction projects. 
  • Create new union jobs to retain and employ top talent, which will also increase the number of staff with commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs) to support winter snow operations if needed. 
  • Immediately respond and deploy needed resources to address any unexpected natural disasters or hauling or collection issues with other haulers.  

Last Edited: February 26, 2025