2025 Yard Waste Collection: April 1 - November 30

Child Raking Leaves

New Haulers: On April 1, 2025, as part of the City's new garbage collection program, FCC Environmental Services and the City of Saint Paul will start collecting yard waste for residential properties containing 1-4 units.

Automatic Renewal: If you subscribed to Yard Waste Service in 2024, your subscription will automatically renew for 2025. There is no need to contact your current garbage hauler or the City if you already have a subscription.

Cancellations: To cancel a current Yard Waste subscription, please contact the City before April 1 to avoid charges for 2025. Email garbage@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-6101.

New Subscriptions: To add weekly Yard Waste Service for 2025, please contact the City to inform us of your interest. We will keep your name on a list and contact you when registration opens in late February or early March. Email garbage@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-6101.

Cart Delivery: The City will begin delivering new yard waste carts to subscribers in March. If you still have a yard waste cart from your current garbage hauler, please contact them to pick it up. For hauler contact information, visit stpaul.gov/GarbageMap.

Collection Day: If you have a subscription for Yard Waste Service, the collection day is the same as garbage. Please set your cart out by 6 a.m. with 2 feet of clearance all around it.

Subscription Fees: The annual cost for a Yard Waste subscription is $119.06. This fee covers the weekly collection of one Yard Waste cart and up to 8 compostable yard waste bags or bundles. 

One-Time Pickup: Non-subscribers can have compostable yard waste bags and bundles picked up at the rate of $4 per bag or bundle. For one-time pickups, contact the City at least 48 hours before your regular garbage pickup day to schedule the collection. Email garbage@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-6101.

Additional Yard Waste Information:

  • Yard waste service is not available as walk-up service.
  • Yard waste must be placed in a City yard waste cart, compostable yard waste bags or appropriately sized bundles.
  • Tree stumps, dirt, and rocks are not allowed in yard waste collection.
  • Woody items more than 3 inches in diameter or 3 feet in length are not permitted.
  • Yard waste bags or bundles cannot exceed 40 pounds and must be smaller than 2 feet in diameter and 3 feet in length.

Solid Waste and Recycling

Walk-Up Service

If you have special physical needs or limitations, garbage haulers can provide free walk-up service for garbage collection if needed.

If you do not meet the criteria as a less able-bodied individual, you can pay for walk-up service based on the distance your cart is located from your designated alley/curb collection location.

  • Less than 100 feet: $22.92 per month (plus tax).
  • More than 100 feet: $29.17 per month (plus tax).

All garbage placed inside of your cart for walk-up service must be bagged and weigh less than 40 pounds. Additional services, such as bulky or yard waste collection, are not available as a walk-up service.

To sign up for walk-up service, download the Walk-Up Application form and mail it back to your designated hauler directly. You can locate your hauler's mailing information by using our interactive map.

Bulky Item Collection Service

Depending on your service level, two or three bulky items can be collected from each property/unit each year at no additional cost. Additional bulky item collection is available for a fee, depending on the size of the item.

Find more information on bulky item collection.

Last Edited: January 31, 2025