Crime Prevention Coordinators work with residents, businesses, organizations and various groups to provide informative presentations and workshops on a variety of safety topics. Topics may include: Crime Prevention 101; Identity Theft and Fraud; Crime Prevention Through Environment Designs (CPTED); Personal Safety, etc...

The Crime Prevention Unit strives to provide resources in a range of locations and at community events. If you have a community event scheduled, we are happy to provide a resource table ad meet with residents to offer suggestions in making their homes and community safer.

Block Clubs:
Block Clubs and groups of neighbors are a great way to make your community safer by getting to know your neighbors. You can work on issues together and create positive activities in your area. Crime Prevention staff are ready to support your work by attending your meetings and, as needed, offer training opportunities, provide resources and a monthly crime prevention newsletter.

Camera Watch:

What is Camera Watch?

Camera Watch is part of SPPD's Together St. Paul Community Watch programs.  It is a voluntary police/community partnership with homeowners, renters, businesses and organizations.  It is intended to let officers know where cameras are actively located. 

How does it work?

You register your camera and provide some basic contact information along with camera locations and coverage information.  Your information is kept confidential and only SPPD staff will have access to the registered properties.  As a Camera Watch member, SPPD staff may contact you to review/retrieve video as needed.  SPPD will not have direct access to your camera and cannot actively monitor your cameras.  This program is completely voluntary and you may choose at any time to no longer participate in this program.

How will SPPD know if I am a registered Camera Watch member?

SPPD will send you a sticker for your door, (optional), so officers on scene know you are a member.  Our officers and civilian staff that work with camera technology will have a database of members.  They can search the list of members for cameras in the area of a crime.

Why register your Camera?

We all know the power of video in identifying suspects and capturing a crime in progress.  Cameras regularly help solve crimes across the country.  Your simple act of registering your camera can help create safer neighborhoods.  It will allow us to identify more individuals committing crimes in our neighborhoods.

Register Here.

Saint Paul Resources:

Saint Paul Come Clean Program
Saint Paul Come Clean Program gives you a reason to work together to beautify your block. The program allows you to adopt a block or do a one-time litter pick-up of your block. It is a wonderful way to start beautifying for spring or prepare for winter in your neighborhood by making sure it is clean and well-maintained.

Pop Up Saint Paul
This resource is provided by Saint Paul Public Libraries to encourage community meetings and gatherings. You can check out 'block party' kits complete with a canopy, barricades, coolers and children's activities. They also have other equipment for loan such as a portable PA system, signage, projector and interpreter kits. Now you can easily get organized for any block activity.

Saint Paul Police Department Resources:

National Night Out
National Night Out is a great time to get to know your neighbors. It is held on the 1st Tuesday of August and is the one time of the year that it is free to block off your street!

Crime Prevention Newsletter
Register to receive our Crime Prevention Newsletter.

Crime Free Multi-Housing Program
This crime prevention program is a partnership between law enforcement, rental property owners, managers and tenants to keep drugs and illegal activity out of rental property.

Premise Surveys
Crime Prevention Coordinators will conduct property reviews for single family, multi-family and commercial locations. they observe lighting, landscaping, locks, doors and windows, etc...The Crime Prevention Coordinator will provide property owners with a list of suggested improvements. Click to enter a premise survey request.

House Watch

Saint Paul residential property owners who will be away from home for an extended period can take advantage of the House Watch program provided by the Community Partnerships Unit (CPU). Volunteer Reserve Officers will drive by your home on a regular basis during your absence and check the property for signs of forced entry. This service is available for a thirty-day period and can be extended upon request. Please fill out this HOUSE WATCH FORM and submit, or contact the CPU at 651.266.5485 one week prior to your absence.

Bicycle Pick-Up

Saint Paul residents who observe an abandoned bicycle in their neighborhood for more than 5 days are encouraged to contact the Community Partnerships Unit (CPU). Volunteer Reserve Officers will be assigned to pick up abandoned bicycles within a reasonable amount of time and take them to city impound lot for safe-keeping. Bicycle serial numbers (if available) will be compared to our stolen bicycle database. Please fill out this BICYCLE PICK-UP FORM and submit, or contact the CPU at 651.266.5485.

Gun Lock Request

Saint Paul residents are eligible for free gun locks through the Crime Prevention Unit. Please fill out the GUN LOCK REQUEST FORM.

Crime Prevention Material

Personal & Family Safety Tips

Theft Prevention Tips


Last Edited: January 21, 2025