Open Information Saint Paul
Community Development Insights is part of Open Information Saint Paul, the City of Saint Paul's hub for public data and curated data tools covering city topics of all kinds.
Welcome to Saint Paul Community Development Insights: a new and improved online resource featuring updated information related to development in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
The data presented here provides a deep dive into recent community trends relating to demographics, building activity, housing, employment, and racial equity.
It is our hope that this information proves useful to businesses looking to expand, housing and commercial developers deciding when and where to build, policymakers shaping Saint Paul's future, and residents seeking to better understand the place they call home.
Community Development Insights can be read section-by-section, starting with the links below. As you read, your suggestions, comments and questions are very welcome; our contact information is at the bottom of this page.
Building and development activity in Saint Paul's real estate sector remained healthy through much of the pandemic.
Supported by a mix of new market-rate and affordable projects, Saint Paul's housing market continues to flourish.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Saint Paul was experiencing a steady growth in its job base, fueling an overall decrease in unemployment.
The City of Saint Paul is home to over 300,000 residents who speak more than 100 different languages and dialects. Our diversity is an asset in a globally connected economy – one that is imperative to activate by ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities.
Community Development Insights is part of Open Information Saint Paul, the City of Saint Paul's hub for public data and curated data tools covering city topics of all kinds.
Last Edited: November 6, 2024
Community Development Insights
is produced by the PED Research Team
Bob Spaulding, Research Analyst - 651-266-6635