If I got Neighborhood STAR funding last year, can I apply for the same project again this year?
No. You may apply for Neighborhood STAR funding annually, but it must be for a different project or include a significant change in project scope from previous applications.
If my project is already receiving Cultural STAR or Year-Round STAR funding, may I also apply for Neighborhood STAR funds for the same project?
Yes, the Neighborhood STAR Board will review proposals for projects currently funded by other STAR programs (Cultural STAR or Year-Round STAR). Please make sure your application clearly indicates all funding sources for your proposed project, clearly articulates your need for additional STAR funding and that your proposal meets the eligibility criteria for the program for which you are applying.
Can I apply for both Cultural STAR and Neighborhood STAR?
Yes, though you may not apply to both programs for the same project. Please check the guidelines for each program to see what types of activities may be eligible for any particular STAR funding source.
In the past, I have applied for a loan. Can I apply for a loan again this year?
No. In 2025, we are only awarding grants.
If I apply to the Neighborhood STAR program, am I still able to apply to other City programs?
Yes, but only if it is not for the same project.
If I own several businesses under one company, can I submit applications for each business?
No. Entities may submit one application per year to the Neighborhood STAR program. However, you may request funding for multiple sites within your application.
Will my application be denied if I list activities that are ineligible in my application?
Partial funding may be recommended for applications that include ineligible activities in their proposal. The City of Saint Paul is unable to fund ineligible activities even if your business or organization is approved for funding. Applicants are strongly encouraged to ensure that all activities included in their request for STAR funds are eligible for funding and/or that non-STAR eligible activities are clearly paid by other sources of funds.
Can churches apply?
Yes, Churches and religious organizations are eligible to apply when in partnership with a neighborhood and/or community group and only with respect to a project that:
- is non-sectarian and whose primary effect neither advances nor inhibits religion;
- will make capital improvements for functions not associated with church-sponsored or religious type activities; and
- is open and available to the public at large on a regular basis.
These requirements are included in Part 2 of the program guidelines.
Do restaurants qualify for Neighborhood STAR?
Yes, restaurants qualify, so long as they are in Saint Paul. Part 2 of the Neighborhood STAR guidelines has more details about eligible applicants and activities.
Can you apply if your business is in a location inside of a commercial property owned by someone else?
Yes, if you have site control and can make capital modifications, then you are eligible to apply.
If I am a tenant, can I apply or should the owner of the building apply?
Commercial tenants are eligible to apply if they have permission from the property owner to make permanent capital improvements to the property.
Individual homeowners, condominium, or townhome owners and/or the association representing them are ineligible to apply. While the renovation, rehabilitation, and/or construction of rental properties may be eligible, we encourage residential property owners to check first with the City’s Housing Division for available resources.
Do projects need to be for brand new buildings or can funds be used to renovate rental offices?
It does not need to be for brand-new buildings. Funds may be used for renovation.
Are wall fixtures eligible?
Permanently affixed capital improvements with a life expectancy of seven (7) years are eligible for STAR funding. If wall fixtures meet those standards, then they would be eligible.
Can STAR dollars be used for upgrading parking lots?
Are projects like boulevard planting or tree planting programs eligible for STAR funds?
Beautification, trees, and shrubs are eligible for STAR funding so long as they are in public or private open space. That means that whatever site is using STAR funding must be open to the public. Therefore, projects that include planting or distribution of plants/trees to private properties (i.e., planting trees in private yards/homes) are not eligible for STAR funding. A boulevard planting that beautifies or improves a public space would be eligible, so long as those improvements were permanently affixed with an expected lifespan of 7+ years.
May I use the funds to plant flowers?
While beautification projects are eligible, including shrubs, trees, and landscaping work, STAR funding is intended for improvements that are permanently affixed with an expected life of 7+ years. Annual flowers would not be eligible since they have an expected life of just one year.
Can I apply to the Neighborhood STAR program to fix up my house?
No, individual homeowners are not eligible for funding from the Neighborhood STAR program. The City of Saint Paul has a Homeowner Rehab program, however, this is currently paused due to a high volume of applications. During this time, please check out the partner organizations that also offer home improvement programs.