A fire burning through dried up prairie grass in spring
A fire burning through dried up prairie grass in spring

Returning Fire to the Landscape

Fire has been a part of the ecosystem in Saint Paul since long before European settlers created the city we know today. Fires started intentionally by the Dakota people who stewarded the land or ignited by lightning helped create the prairies and savannas which made up much of pre-colonial Minnesota. For over 20 years now, Saint Paul Natural Resources has been conducting controlled burns in the city's natural areas to return this important natural process to the landscape.

Safe, efficient, cost-effective, ecological.

Prescribed fire is a powerful tool for managing natural resources because it provides multiple benefits over a large area. With the proper training and executed under the right conditions, prescribed fire is safe. Read on to learn about how and why Environmental Services conducts prescribed burns and how you can be safe around fire.

If you would like to be notified when and where prescribed burns will occur, sign up for the Prescribed Fire Newsletter below. Notifications delivered via email on the morning of the burn.

About Burning in Saint Paul

Last Edited: March 13, 2025