Project Update

Community feedback informed the revised concept plan for Chestnut Plaza. Overall, there was a desire for a direct connection to the river versus an overlook to the river. There was concern about providing clear sight lines to the rivers edge from the pathway.  

Final concept plan provides a direct connection via a stairway to the river and removes the overlook retaining wall. Options for additional landscaping were explored but determined that adding planting beds within the stairs would be difficult to establish and maintain.

City is planning to advance the work and bid the stair work as a “bid alternate” this spring.” Click down below for the preferred concept and survey results.

Project Overview

The City of Saint Paul’s Parks and Recreation Department is rehabilitating the fountain mechanics at Chestnut Plaza. The project improvements include the relocation of the existing water feature pumps to a higher elevation. This will allow the water feature to function when there are higher river elevations. Modifications the lower fountain area are also being explored as part of the project. 

The funding source for this project is the 1% Common Cent Sales Tax.

Project Scope  

Project Scope Images.

Concept 1 Project Scope
Concept 2 Project Scope

Upcoming Engagement

The City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department presented the project and concepts at the Fort Road Federation Land Use Committee Meeting on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

Please provide feedback on the two concepts via a short survey. 

The survey period has ended.

Chestnut Plaza Survey

Anticipated Project Schedule

Spring 2025: Permitting and Bidding
Summer 2025: Construction

Last Edited: March 12, 2025