About Saint Paul Skating & Hockey Rinks

Outdoor ice rinks are located at parks and recreation centers across Saint Paul during winter when conditions allow. All hockey rinks have boards and nets. See below for locations, hours, and updates. 

  • Cold Weather Policy: Rinks will close if temperatures reach -25F.
  • Warm Weather Policy: In order to prevent extended closures due to damaged ice, rinks will close if meltwater is visible on the surface.

Ice rink updates

Spring is in the air and all ice rinks are now closed. Thanks for a great skating season!

Rink Hours & Locations

Ice Rink Map Winter Activity Map

Rink hours and conditions are subject to change without notice. Rinks will close periodically for maintenance. Rinks may be unavailable for open skating during hockey practices, broomball, or scheduled open hockey times. Please call the numbers listed below to confirm details. For updates on the McMurray broomball rinks, call the weather hotline at 651-558-2118. 

Only skate on open rinks. Our staff and dedicated volunteers work hard all season to maintain and keep rinks open as the weather allows. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in staying off closed rinks until they are announced as open. 

For your safety and to prevent damage to our rinks and athletic fields, please do not enter closed rinks. Never use rink areas as a dog park. Please visit one of our dog parks for off-leash fun.

Rink Name


Lighted Hours

Warming Room Hours

Rink Type



Battle CreekClosedLights turn off at 9pm dailyM-F: 9am-9pm; Sa-Su: 9am-7pm1G75 Winthrop St. S.651.501.6347
DesnoyerClosedLights turn off at 9pm dailyNo warming room 1Mini, 1H, 1Oval525 Pelham Blvd651.266.6400
EdgcumbeClosedLights turn off at 9pm dailyM-Th: 9am-9pm; Fr: 9am-6pm1G, 1H, 1Mini, 1Oval320 Griggs St. S.651.695.3711
GrovelandClosedClick to view hoursClick to view hours1G, 2H, 1Oval, 1Mini 2021 St. Clair Ave651.695.3714
Langford ParkClosedLights turn off at 9pm dailyM-F: 2-9pm; Sa: 12-9pm (9am-9pm Jan 4-Feb 15), Su: 12-6pm1G, 2H30 Langford Park651.298.5765
North DaleClosedLights turn off at 9pm dailyM-F: 9am-9pm; Sa: 9am-5pm; Su: 10am-4pm1G, 1RH1414 St. Albans St. N.651.558.2329
PalaceClosedLights turn off at 9pm dailyM-Th: 2-9pm; F: 2-6pm; Sa: 9-2pm; Su: 11am-5pm1RH781 Palace Ave.651.298.5677
PhalenClosedMon-Fri: Lights turn off at 10pm;
Sat & Sun: Lights turn off at 7pm 
M-Th: 10am-9pm; F: 10am-6pm, Sa: 9am-6pm, Su: 12pm-6pm1G, 1H, 1RH1000 E Wheelock Parkway651.793.6600

Rink Type: H = Hockey G = General RH = Refrigerated Hockey 

Note: McMurray Athletic Fields also has outdoor rinks used exclusively for broomball

Volunteer at a rink

Experience shows the best rinks are those that benefit from the assistance of community volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help with rink flooding and other duties. Night availability is especially desired. Interested in becoming a volunteer? Tell us more by completing the volunteer form.

Please, shovel snow off the ice and over the boards

Our maintenance crew and dedicated volunteers work hard to keep the rinks clear, but Minnesota snow can pile up fast. Even if you feel you can't commit to volunteering, you can still help by shoveling snow when you visit the rinks. Please be sure to shovel snow off the ice and over the boards. When snow gets shoveled against the boards and around the edge of the rink, it often freezes and can quickly reduce the skateable surface area of the rink. Thank you for doing your part to make Saint Paul rinks great.

Last Edited: February 27, 2025