The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a federal program administered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that enables local governments to undertake a wide range of activities intended to create suitable living environments, provide decent affordable housing and create economic opportunities, primarily for persons of low and moderate income. Community organizations are invited to apply for CDBG funds through the City of Saint Paul every other year. Applications are accepted in odd numbered years for funding beginning in even numbered years.
Applications are due to the City by 5pm on Friday, March 28, 2025
You may want to prepare your answers in another document and cut and paste into the form fields. There is a downloadable PDF version of this application to assist in this recommendation. Application submission is a two-step process. Once you have submitted the web form application, you will receive an email with a PDF copy of your proposal and a prompt to confirm submission. Applicants must confirm for an application to be received. Each applicant will be required to present their proposal and project overview in person to the CIB committee sometime in April or May. Once an application has been submitted, we will contact you regarding dates for these presentations. Please submit questions to
APPLY HERE: City of Saint Paul CDBG Application Form
Downloadable PDF application available