The History of the Commission
Established in 1993, the PCIARC is a civilian task force created to provide civilians from diverse backgrounds with an opportunity to evaluate police-civilian incidents and make disciplinary and policy recommendations to the chief of police.
In 2016, after an in-depth review and several community conversations, Mayor Coleman and the Saint Paul City Council made significant amendments to the ordinance governing PCIARC, including:
- Moving PCIARC from the Saint Paul Police Department to the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity (HREEO).
- Giving the Director of HREEO the authority to: (a) refer matters to the PCIARC, (b) recommend civilians to be appointed by the Mayor to the PCIARC, and recommend removal of commission members to the Mayor, (c) appoint and supervise the PCIARC's Review Coordinator, in consultation with the Police Chief and the commission chair, and (d) hire a private investigator on behalf of the PCIARC
- Adding two additional civilians to the commission, increasing the commission from seven members to nine.
- Removing the two Saint Paul Police Federation positions from the Commission.
- Allowing commission members to attend training after they are appointed to the commission instead of being required to attend before being appointed. Enhance training for members to include training on racial equity, implicit bias, gender identity and mental health challenges.
- Notifying complainants when a case they have filed will be heard by the PCIARC and allow them to provide a statement.
- Removing any type of recommendation from the Internal Affairs report that is given to the PCIARC.
- Giving the PCIARC the explicit authority to recommend policy changes for consideration by the Police Chief.
- Having the PCIARC release summary data annually. (This has been done for many years, but is now required by ordinance).
- Having the PCIARC hold an annual summit to review the annual report and evaluate the effectiveness of the commission.
In January 2017 the PCIARC moved to the HREEO Department.