Task 2a1: Document review.
In cooperation with the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s), Wilder will conduct a broad document review to gather needed information to gain a complete understanding for each study. Examples may include historical documents, city council resolutions, previous audit reports, legal reports, financial information. For this approach, given the short time frame, Wilder will need to establish a cut-off point for reviewing documents to meet the budget and deadline for reporting.
Task 2a2: Collect and analyze documents.
Wilder will work with the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s) to gather relevant information and documents, thoroughly review available documents for analysis using a review checklist as our guiding tool. The key themes and patterns will be synthesized for inclusion in the final report.
Engaging stakeholders is a critical component of this project. Wilder will also work with the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s) to develop key questions and data collection tools to use throughout each project.
Task 2b: Develop a list of common questions to ask stakeholders.
To assure a level of consistency in reporting, Wilder will develop a list of common questions that can be tailored and used across data collection activities. Questions will examine the existing structure and finances of the city service, particularly, consistent challenges and barriers to providing quality services in a timely manner.
Task 2c: Conduct 1 to 3 focus groups or listening sessions with key stakeholders, for example, city leaders, city staff, community partners, and community members.
City staff have unique knowledge about the structure and financing of city services. Wilder proposed conducting 1 to 3 focus groups or listening sessions (depending on the number of attendees) with relevant stakeholders. Focus groups/listening session may be virtual or in-person depending on the needs of focus group/listening session members and budgetary constraints. Wilder will ask the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s) to help identify and select relevant, potential attendees early in the project with a goal of having 5-6 members per focus group or if more individuals are available, more than 6 and up to 15 for a listening session. The final list of stakeholders, city staff, community partners and community members are subject to the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s)’s project lead’s approval before the session can commence.
Task 2d: Conduct up to 3 key informant interviews with the leaders overseeing each service area that is the subject of a Wilder evaluation.
Wilder proposed conducting up to 3 key informant interviews with city services leaders (e.g., director/manager of the city service area) on the structure and financing of the service area. Wilder will ask the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s) to help identify and engage service area leaders.
Task 2e: Conduct a survey of identified stakeholders.
Depending on the size of the service area, Wilder may conduct a survey of stakeholders, such as city staff, city partners, and relevant community groups. The survey will likely consist of closed-ended questions (rather than open-ended) to meet timeline and budgetary parameters. Survey questions require preliminary review from the Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s) to ensure that the survey Wilder develops align with the study’s intent. The Audit Committee and/or the relevant department(s) will make best efforts to support and assist Wilder with filling in any gaps in the list of potential respondents, including respondent name, organization, and email address.
Task 2f: Conduct a financial evaluation of the service area if needed.
Depending on the scope of each project, other Wilder staff may be brought on the team to evaluate the financial needs of the service area. For example, when a financial evaluation is needed, Wilder will use staff with expertise in conducting a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis to evaluate the efficiency of the investment made to perform and deliver the service. Wilder will calculate the benefit (return) of the investment compared with the cost of the investment.
Deliverables: (Month 1 and 2)
- Document review checklist
- Questions/data collection tools