Below, you will find information about a variety of financial assistance resources available for Saint Paul businesses.

Please note that public funds come with requirements that can include wage rates, vendor outreach, and affirmative action/equal employment opportunities. Learn more about contract compliance.

Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) programs

Neighborhood STAR

Awards grants and loans for capital improvement projects within the City of Saint Paul. For-profit or nonprofit entities are welcome to apply for funding through the annual competitive application process. Awards typically range from $5,000 to $200,000.

Cultural STAR

Promotes economic growth by supporting the arts and cultural sector. Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations, along with businesses located within the city’s cultural district, are eligible to apply for grants and/or loans during one of the two funding cycles offered each year. Awards typically range from $5,000 to $50,000.

Other City funding options

The City of Saint Paul has other resources to provide gap financing for a variety of development or redevelopment projects including Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Tax Increment Financing (TIF), bonds and other sources.

State and regional grants

Each year, the City of Saint Paul sponsors applications for State and Metropolitan Council grants and passes the funding through to private parties to complete the project. These grants can fund brownfields investigation and cleanup, transit-oriented development, design and development and nonprofit and housing projects.

Learn more about the requirements for these programs.

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Last Edited: March 3, 2025