The Market Watch report uses select measures of economic activity and demographics to give a brief synopsis of economic health in Saint Paul. For 2017, these figures show a robust and stable local economy, a healthy real estate market, and a population that is diversifying and growing.

A few highlights from each section of the report are below. The up or down arrows are shaded red or green, depnding on whether the trend is a generally positive indicator, or a generally negative indicator for the health and well-being of the city.

Building and Development
Statistic Value Trend
Total value of permits $436.7 million
red down arrow
Number of major construction project permits 145
green up arrow
Value of permits for single-family homes $56.6 million
green up arrow

Trends above compare 2016 to 2015 data.

Real Estate Market
Statistic Value Trend
Total number of foreclosures, vacant buildings, and demolitions
green down arrow

Trend above compares 2016 to 2015 data.

Employment, and Wages
Statistic Value Trend
Annual average unemployment 3.6%
green down arrow
Jobs in Saint Paul 180,965
green up arrow
Average weekly wages $1,125
red down arrow

Trends above compare 2016 to 2015 data.

Statistic Value Trend 
Percent of families living below 50% of the poverty level 9.1%
green down arrow
Population 304,442
green up arrow
Residents with a bachelors degree or higher 71,944
green up arrow

Trend above for population compares 2016 estimate to 2015 estimate.
Other trends compare 2013 to 2012 data.

Last Edited: July 30, 2020