George Street from Cherokee Avenue to State Street will be resurfaced in 2025 through a process called mill and overlay to create a smoother roadway surface. Crews grind off the top layer of roadway, then replace it with a new layer of bituminous pavement. The project will include pedestrian improvements.

George Street from Cherokee Avenue to State Street



    Survey - Phase 1 Engagement

    Project staff are interested in hearing how you feel about George Street. Your input is important; please take this 5 minute survey and share it with a neighbor. 

    Phase 1 Survey

    Previous and Current Planning

    When the city has an opportunity to invest and imprive streets, staff look to previous planning that has identified issues or ideas. There is some current and recent work that is happening on the West Side that staff will reference for the resurfacing of George Street:

    • The City of Saint Paul Bicycle Plan (April 2024) does not recommend a bikeway (space for bikes) on George Street, but Manomin and Hall are planned bike boulevards (see the Planned Bicycle Network map on page 9). This resurfacing project will consider ways to improve the crossings of Manomin and Hall, at George. 
    • The West Side Bicycle Boulevard Vision Plan is exploring ways to improve all planned bike boulevards on the West Side, including Manomin and Hall. 
    • The West Side Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan (2021) was created by Saint Paul Public Schools. It identifies challenges to walking and biking to schools on the West Side. The recommendations include improvements on George Street. This project will reference the SRTS Plan. 

    Project Documents