Project Details
The City of Saint Paul will be working on the existing stormwater pond near the intersection of Bush Avenue and Desoto Street. The work will retrofit the existing structure from a dry detention basin to a water quality improvement facility.
Work will include:
- Expansion of the pond
- Soil amendments
- Enhanced plantings
- Modified pond outlet
Benefits of the project include:
- Reduction of the volume of stormwater runoff
- Removal of sediments and nutrients from stormwater
- Improvement of water quality in downstream waterbodies, such as the Mississippi River and Lake Pepin
- Furthers Saint Paul's climate resiliency goals
This project is funded by a State of Minnesota Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) and the Saint Paul sewer utility. There are not assessments to property owners.
Streets may be closed and no parking signs posted during sewer work.
- Desoto Street between Minnehaha Avenue East and Bush Avenue
- Bush Avenue between Desoto Street and Bradley Street
January to December 2024
Construction Schedule
- Construction is substantially completed.
- Some clean up work may occur in 2025.