Jefferson Avenue is tentatively scheduled to be milled on September 30 and then paved on October 4 & 5, weather permitting.
Additional pedestrian and bicycle improvements:
The mill and overlay process gives the City the opportunity to improve spaces for people walking. In addition to updating curb ramps at corners to improve accessibility for people using strollers and mobility devices, the City installed bumpouts at Oneida Street and Osceola Avenue. Bumpouts (or curb extensions) narrow the road and provide a shorter crossing and better visibility for people at corners. Narrowing the road also encourages slower driving speeds. The current bike lane on Jefferson will remain in place after the mill and overlay. No on-street parking spaces will be removed with this project.
What you need to do:
- Please move your car off the street. We will post “No Parking” signs the day before the project begins.
- Cars that are not moved will be ticketed and towed.
- The street will have temporary closures or lane restrictions during milling and repaving operations. There will be flaggers on site and we will try to maintain access to driveways, but there may be temporary access restrictions ranging from 10-45 minutes when the work is in front of the access area.
- Please notify tenants/renters/visitors about the project and parking restrictions.
Project costs:
All abutting property owners will be charged a fee of 50% of the mill and overlay project cost. The city pays the remaining 50% of the project cost. Property owners will receive a bill for the repaving project after the work has been completed.
The estimated rate for the Jefferson Avenue mill and overlay project is $31.34/front linear foot.