How to Request Permit Parking or a Change to a Permit Parking Area

To request Residential Permit Parking in a specific area, residents work with traffic engineering to first determine if permit parking is appropriate for their area. Note that permit parking does not address all parking issues.

After determining that Residential Permit Parking is appropriate for the area, residents work with their neighbors through a petition process. Existing residential permit parking areas may be expanded or new areas created through the petition process.

Petition Process

The Permit Parking Petition Process is governed by City Code Chapter 164. - Residential Permit Parking—Guidelines and Regulations. This process list is designed to help residents understand the permit parking petition process but does not cover all the details laid out in City Code. Please refer to City Code Chapter 164 for the specifics.

Steps in the Permit Parking Petition Process:

  1. Resident(s) contacts traffic engineering to request permit parking
  2. Traffic Engineering discusses permit parking requirements—8 block faces or 4,000 linear feet or contiguous to an existing permit parking area in area that is primarily residential
  3. Traffic Engineering does a preliminary parking assessment to determine the parking demand
  4. Based on the parking assessment, traffic engineering determines if permit parking would address the parking issues
  5. If permit parking would address the parking issues, traffic engineering issues a petition to the resident(s) and notifies the City Council member and the District Council about the petition
  6. Resident(s) gather petition signatures from residents/owners in the parking permit petition area as defined in the petition
  7. Resident(s) return the completed petition with 75% or more of the signatures from residents/owners in the petition area
  8. Traffic engineering reviews the completed petition to ensure that it meets the 75% threshold
  9. If petition is sufficient (75% or more), traffic engineering works with the District Council to schedule a public meeting if desired
  10. Written notice of the City Council public hearing and vote is sent to all residents, property owners, and stakeholders within the proposed permit area and within 350 feet of the proposed area
  11. Petition goes to the City Council for a public hearing and a Council vote
  12. If permit parking area is approved by City Council vote, traffic engineering will implement new signs and mail residents/owners in the new permit area

Pending Petitions

The chart below provides information on the requests by residents for permit parking in their area. These requests may be changes to an existing area such as extending the area to include another block or changing the parking time restrictions. These requests may also be to create new permit parking areas. The status listed below is intended to provide information on where the petition is in the process. Note that not all petitions requested will result in changes to permit parking. Please see the petition process above for details of the process. 

Proposed AreaLocation of AreaProposed Parking RestrictionsStatus of PetitionDocuments
Area 19 expansionArea bounded by Selby Avenue, Moore Street, Howell Street N and Summit AvenueExpand the area to include north side of Laurel Avenue from Moore Street to Prior Avenue N and both sides of Laurel Avenue from Prior Avenue N to Howell Street NPetition completed and submitted to Public Works; next step is to schedule public meeting with Union Park District CouncilArea 19 petition form
Area 23 time modificationsSouth of the University of St Thomas; roughly bounded by Mississippi River Boulevard, Goodrich Avenue, Cretin Avenue, and Princeton AvenueChange the parking restriction signs to "No Parking, Except by Permit, Area 23" - permit required for parking at all timesPetition completed and submitted to Public Works; petition under review by Public WorksArea 23 petition form
Area 23 expansionSouth of the University of St Thomas; roughly bounded by Mississippi River Boulevard, Goodrich Avenue, Cretin Avenue, and Princeton AvenueExpand the area to include both sides of Princeton Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Woodlawn Avenue and the east side of Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Avenue to Princeton AvenuePetition completed and submitted to Public Works; next step is to schedule public meeting with Mac-Grove Community CouncilArea 23 expansion petition form

Last Edited: March 21, 2025