Graphic image showing the extents of the Pelham Blvd reconstruction and surrounding streets, parks, and Mississippi River.

In 2026, the City of Saint Paul will be reconstructing Pelham Boulevard between Mississippi River Boulevard and Franklin Avenue. The project will replace underground utilities, as well as the sidewalks, street surface, curbs, lighting, and pedestrian ramps. An off-street bikeway at sidewalk level will be added to Pelham, and the flexible white posts currently in the street will be removed. The design is largely guided by the Grand Round Design and Implementation Plan (2017), and the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan (2024).

Pelham Boulevard from Mississippi River Boulevard to Franklin Avenue

Engagement in 2024 and 2025

Design 2025

Construction in 2026


    Engagement Summary and Feedback Responses

    Project staff met with the community Summer to Fall 2024. An online survey generated 328 responses from the community. The links below direct to documents summarizing the engagement, feedback, and staff responses to the feedback. 

    Previous Planning

    The reconstruction of Pelham Boulevard is guided by adopted and approved city plans. 

    Project Schedule

    • COMPLETED Summer and Fall 2024: Phase 1 community engagement. City staff will meet with the neighborhood about the project and timing. Community members can share their goals for the project. 
    • Winter 2024 to 2025: Initial designs for Pelham. City staff will consider the feedback from engagement, as well as current city policies and goals, and come up with a recommended design option for Pelham.
    • Spring 2025: Phase 2 community engagement. City staff will share the recommended design option with the community and get feedback. Tweaks can be made to the design option based on feedback from Phase 2. 
    • Summer to Winter 2025: Detailed design. Once the recommended design option has been decided, city engineering and planning staff will work on the details of the design. Updates will be shared with the community along the way to make sure the design is consistent with community expectations. 
    • Spring 2026: Construction. The reconstruction of Pelham will take most of spring, summer, and fall. City staff will provide regular updates to the community about construction impacts, detours, and progress. 

    Investing in Saint Paul Streets: Common Cent 

    A portion of this street reconstruction project will be paid for by a 1% local option sales tax, called Common Cent. This sales tax was approved by Saint Paul voters in November 2023. A portion of the project will also be funded through assessments to property owners adjacent to the project. The estimated assessment rate is based on a third-party special benefit analysis of the property values in the project area. Property owners will receive a notice of the estimated rate and date for a public hearing when estimated rates are available. More information on assessments can be found at

    Project Documents