Buying or Selling a Home?

No action is needed to set up or cancel recycling service at a residential property. Recycling services are funded through an assessment on your Ramsey County property taxes. Property owner information will automatically switch when the sale goes through. Find your recycling collection day using the link below.

  • If you are selling a home- leave the blue recycling cart in a secure location at your property, for example, in the garage or out of site from the street or alley. There is no need to notify the City about your move. 
  • If you are purchasing a home- a blue recycling cart should already be at the property. If there is no recycling cart or you would like a different size, call Saint Paul - Solid Waste at 651-266-6101 or contact us using our Online Request Form
  • Trash service- call your garbage hauler directly after closing. Find out who your garbage hauler is using the link below.

Hauler and Collection Day Information

Missed Collection

If your recycling or garbage was not picked up by 6 p.m. on your collection day, read the information on this page for proper placement information. If you followed these guidelines and collection was still missed, contact your hauler. 

  • Recycling: City of Saint Paul Garbage and Recycling team: 651-266-6101
  • Garbage: Call your designated hauler: Hauler Map

For alerts about your recycling pickup schedule, visit Eureka's website to search their database or download their app: Eureka Recycling Pick-up Calendar

Instructions for Using Your Recycling Cart


On Your Collection Day

  • Set out your recycling cart by 6 a.m. along the edge of the alley or curb with arrows on the top lid facing out. 
  • Place your recycling cart at least 2 feet away from objects such as garages, trash cart, cars, trees, fences, etc.
  • Do not place the cart in the street, on or behind any retaining wall, inside a fence, or behind a car.
  • Material must fit loosely inside your cart with the lid closed. 
    • Extra material can be set out next to your cart in paper grocery bags (up to 6) or 3 medium size boxes and cardboard must be flattened, stacked (not bundled) and be able to fit inside the cart.  Do not place extra material in plastic bags. 
  • Remember to remove your cart from the curb or alley line after collection. 
  • Make sure snow is cleared away from the recycling cart. Do not place in or on a snowbank, or in standing water (to prevent your cart from freezing to the ground in the winter). 

Was there a tag left on your cart after collection?

image of recycling cart with red tag hanging on the handle

If there is a tag hanging on the handle of your recycling cart after the recycling truck has passed your house- please read it carefully. Take note of the information and address the needed changes so that your recycling is not missed in the future. For questions, contact the City of Saint Paul Recycling and Garbage Information line at 651-266-6101.

Cart Sizes

All households received a 64-gallon cart at the start of the program. If you would like a smaller (32-gallon) or larger (96-gallon) cart you may request a switch by calling the City of Saint Paul Recycling and Garbage Information line at 651-266-6101 or fill out an online request form: Submit a request – City of Saint Paul

pw_recycling_cart dimensions 3 sizes

See this chart for a full spectrum of cart sizes and their dimensions.

Last Edited: February 20, 2025