Visitor Information
Planning a trip to Hidden Falls - Crosby Farm Regional Park? Visit the pages below for visitor information.
Hidden Falls Regional Park Webpage Crosby Farm Regional Park Webpage
The Hidden Falls - Crosby Farm Regional Park Master Plan was adopted in 2019. The plan guides future park improvements and natural resources management. Priority improvement projects will be implemented as funding and opportunities become available. See below for information and updates on current projects within Hidden Falls Regional Park and Crosby Farm Regional Park.
Project staff will be at the Highland District Council's (HDC) Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 10th from 6:30-8:00pm to share project updates on both the Hidden Falls North Entrance and Hidden Falls Overlook and Parking Lot projects a well as the River Learning Center. The event will be at Summit Brewing (910 Montreal Circle). Check out HDC's website for more information:
Project staff hosted a virtual meeting with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to provide an update on project process and to review the updated site plan. The presentation shared during the meeting is here. Meeting notes can be found here.
As part of the implementation of the Hidden Falls - Crosby Farm Master Plan, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation will be improving the north entrance area. The project area is shown below:
Project staff hosted a meeting with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to review the site analysis, identify priorities, discuss budget items, and present proposed concepts. Attendees engaged in discussions about program elements, recurring themes, and the next steps in the process. The presentation shared during the meeting is here . Meeting notes are here (added Jan 31, 2025)
Project staff held the first Community Advisory Committee on October 29 on site for a site tour. Results of the meeting and committee comments are located here.
Project staff are setting up the first meeting for the Community Advisory Committee. The Committee is planned to meet up 3-4 times to review detailed planning for the Hidden Falls Regional Park Plan- North Entrance Area.
Park Staff presented to Highland District Council at the CDC meeting .
The City of Saint Paul conducted a comprehensive survey from May 13th, 2024, to July 11th, 2024, to gain insights into the public's priorities for the site. We are excited to share a summary of these findings below.
Project Manager
Anne Gardner
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: (651) 266-6421
As part of the implementation of the Hidden Falls - Crosby Farm Master Plan, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation will be improving the overlook and parking lot on the north side of the park, south of Mississippi River Boulevard and Unci Makha Park. The project area is shown below:
The City of Saint Paul conducted a comprehensive survey from May 13th, 2024, to July 11th, 2024 to gather feedback from community members about the Overlook and parking area. The survey results are summarized below:
Project staff will be at the 'Music at the Bridge' event on Thursday, August 8th at the Civic Plaza at Highland Bridge to share an initial design for the overlook and parking area.
Schedule | Phase |
March 2024 - June 2024 | Project Start, Design Development, and Community Engagement |
July 2024 - September 2024 | Community Engagement and Construction Documents |
Fall/Winter 2024/2025 | Bidding |
Spring/Summer 2025 | Construction |
Fall 2025 | Target Opening Date |
Project Manager
Katie Hamerlinck
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
P: (651) 266-6414
September 24, 2024: CONSTRUCTION NEAR HIDDEN FALLS SOUTH ENTRANCE IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE. Signage will be installed in late 2024 or before spring 2025.
Dec 1, 2023: The gate is now open until snow or ice prevent access. Work will resume in the spring to complete vegetation establishment on site.
Significant Flooding occurred from May-September 2019, resulting in deposition of silt within the park and substantial coverage of recreational trails. Please be advised when using trails to be safe and be aware there may be construction traffic in this area.
Flood Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has allocated funds to address the silt deposition at Hidden Falls Crosby Farm Regional Park. The response plan is currently planned to occur in two phases:
PHASE I: Parks and Recreation Operations staff are working with contractors to remove excessive silt in the western area of Crosby Farm Park and along trails adjacent to the South Parking Lot in Hidden Falls Park. The silt will be deposited in the South Hidden Falls Parking Lot in anticipation of Phase II.
PHASE II: Reconstruction of the parking lot to reduce the amount of impervious surface and reconstruct trails to increase connection and recreational opportunities per the Master Plan recommendations for Hidden Falls Park South. Phase II construction will begin June 2023 and anticipate completion in September 2023. - stay tuned for updates.
Hidden Falls Regional Park dates back to 1887, when it was selected by Horace Cleveland, a nationally known landscape architect and park planner, as one of four major park sites for the City of Saint Paul. Except for the use of a portion of the land as a tree nursery, no improvement was made in Hidden Falls Park until 1936-37, when the WPA carried out an extensive improvement program on the site. A small spring-fed waterfall is featured in the park, which gives the park its name. In the mid 1960's the park took much of its present form as work began on the park's four primary use areas: the primitive area, boat launching area, general picnic area, and scenic falls area.
Crosby Farm Regional Park is named after Thomas Crosby, an English immigrant who staked out 160 acres in the valley southwest of the present-day junction of Shepard Road and Interstate 35E in 1858. Before Crosby's death in 1886, the farm became one of the largest and longest running in the West End and Highland Park area. A succession of families farmed it between 1902 and 1962. The Saint Paul Port Authority purchased the land in the early 1960s and leased it to the City for park use. Today, Crosby Farm's potential as a nature area accessible to the public is being realized. With about 6.7 miles of paved trails, the park provides a beautiful setting for an afternoon's walk, run, or ride. Trails run along shady, wooded bottom lands next to the Mississippi River, along the marshes of Crosby Lake, past scenic picnic areas, and connects to the Mississippi River Boulevard parkway. Fishing and picnics are other popular activities in the park.
Project Manager
Anne Gardner
p. 651-266-6421
For more information about the Great River Passage Initiative or the River Learning Center, click here.
Project Funding
Legacy Parks and Trails Fund
The master plan for Hidden Falls Crosby Farm Regional Park guides park improvements, natural resources management, and make recommendations for changes within or adjacent to the park. Per the Metropolitan Council, a plan must be approved and adopted for every regional park in the seven county metropolitan area. See the Metropolitan Council's website for more details. City Parks and Recreation asked for input and feedback on this plan throughout fall 2018, and the written report was completed in June 2019. A postcard was mailed to neighbors of the park in late September 2018, you may download the postcard flyer. The survey on this flyer is now closed.
The Master Plan Report review by the Metropolitan Council is complete.
The Master Plan report was available for public review and feedback from March 4th until April 1st, 2019 (end of business day). Comments are now closed. See below for links to the document and the feedback form. Thank you to all who shared your input on this report!
1970 Hidden Falls Crosby Farm Park Master Plan
2005 Crosby Farm Natural Resources Plan
Please contact the project manager listed at right with any questions.
Hidden Falls Regional Park dates back to 1887, when it was selected by Horace Cleveland, a nationally known landscape architect and park planner, as one of four major park sites for the City of Saint Paul. Except for the use of a portion of the land as a tree nursery, no improvement was made in Hidden Falls Park until 1936-37, when the WPA carried out an extensive improvement program on the site. A small spring-fed waterfall is featured in the park, which gives the park its name. In the mid 1960's the park took much of its present form as work began on the park's four primary use areas: the primitive area, boat launching area, general picnic area, and scenic falls area.
Crosby Farm Regional Park is named after Thomas Crosby, an English immigrant who staked out 160 acres in the valley southwest of the present-day junction of Shepard Road and Interstate 35E in 1858. Before Crosby's death in 1886, the farm became one of the largest and longest running in the West End and Highland Park area. A succession of families farmed it between 1902 and 1962. The Saint Paul Port Authority purchased the land in the early 1960s and leased it to the City for park use. Today, Crosby Farm's potential as a nature area accessible to the public is being realized. With about 6.7 miles of paved trails, the park provides a beautiful setting for an afternoon's walk, run, or ride. Trails run along shady, wooded bottom lands next to the Mississippi River, along the marshes of Crosby Lake, past scenic picnic areas, and connects to the Mississippi River Boulevard parkway. Fishing and picnics are other popular activities in the park.
Planning a trip to Hidden Falls - Crosby Farm Regional Park? Visit the pages below for visitor information.
Hidden Falls Regional Park Webpage Crosby Farm Regional Park Webpage
Last Edited: March 24, 2025