Eligibility extends to C and D properties citywide and to class A and B properties in ACP50 areas
SAINT PAUL – On February 1, 2018, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority’s (HRA) Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program ended its pilot phase, expanding eligibility to properties graded C and D citywide. Funding had previously been restricted to properties graded C and D in ACP50 areas during the programs first six months.
Additionally, the HRA approved an amendment on January 24, 2018, to expand eligibility to properties graded A and B in ACP50 areas.
ACP50 areas are defined as Areas of Concentrated Poverty where 50% or more of the residents are people of color and at least 40% of the residents are at or below 185% of the federal poverty threshold. In 2016, 185% of the federal poverty threshold was $45,027 for a family with two parents and two related kids, or $23,099 for an individual under 65 living alone. Property grades are determined by the Department of Safety and Inspections and are based on fire safety codes.
“This program provides a tool for landlords to address safety and maintenance needs while maintaining affordable rents for existing tenants,” said Dr. Bruce Corrie, Director of Planning and Economic Development. "Allowing tenants to stay in their homes is an important component in our affordable housing strategy.”
The Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program preserves existing affordable rental housing options in Saint Paul. The program targets landlords desiring to upgrade their current property classification by making property improvements that increase the safety and quality of rental units. Owners of 1-4 unit rental properties can apply for a loan of up to $30,000 for 10 years at 0% interest to address eligible issues. $96,362 has been committed to 13 units since the launch of the program in August 2017.
For more information on the Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program, visit https://www.stpaul.gov/RentalRehab.