The federal trial of three former Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd’s death will start Thursday, Jan. 20, at the federal courthouse (316 Robert Street North) in downtown Saint Paul.
Your police department is committed to doing everything possible to ensure that the proceedings are safe for everyone involved. Our Special Operations Unit has been planning and preparing for weeks.
Our focus is on protecting people, property and free speech.
This means working with our partners in the East Metro Response Group to make sure we have resources in place to keep downtown safe as well as respond to 911 calls throughout the city.
It also means that some streets around the courthouse will be closed and parking in some areas will be limited.
Here’s a look at some of the changes you’ll need to know about before you visit downtown Saint Paul around the Warren E. Burger Federal Building (316 Robert Street North):
Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 18:
• Parking will be restricted on the north side of Kellogg Boulevard--from Cedar Avenue to Robert Street--for the duration of the trial.
• The Capital City bike lane on Jackson Street will be closed for the duration of the trial. Please note: Bicyclists and pedestrians will be allowed through the jersey barriers on Jackson Street to travel through and connect to the Capital City Bikeway and other destinations. This set up will remain in place throughout the trial.
• Robert Street will be closed (to the west, in front of the Federal Courthouse) between Kellogg Boulevard and 4th Street East for the duration of the trial.
• Jackson Street will be closed (to the east of the Federal Courthouse) between Kellogg Boulevard and 4th Street East for the duration of the trial.
• Ramsey County has closed Second Street East behind the Ramsey County Social Services Building for the duration of the trial.
Here is a map of vehicle detour routes: